A prayer for Bristol Palin

veni vidi vici

Active Member
Originally Posted by bionicarm
Where do you come up with this useless drivel? You really need to get out and view life differently dude. I've never seen someone so adamant and driven to hate someone like you do.
Lighten up Francis,I just thought it was funny so i posted it.
And BTW it is funny.


Active Member
Originally Posted by bionicarm
Where do you come up with this useless drivel? You really need to get out and view life differently dude. I've never seen someone so adamant and driven to hate someone like you do.
Yeah, this ranks up there with the "Death of a President" movie about the assasination of George Bush.
I assume you emailed the director and producer of that movie too. You expressed your outrage over the waste of time their drivel was?


Active Member
Originally Posted by Veni Vidi Vici
Lighten up Francis,I just thought it was funny so i posted it.
And BTW it is funny.
Funny? What's funny about it? Just admit your main intention of posting it was to bash Obama yet again.


Active Member
Originally Posted by bionicarm
Funny? What's funny about it? Just admit your main intention of posting it was to bash Obama yet again.

8 years of bashing Bushby the left and you are already crying over our pointing out Obama's lies?
Cry me a river.


Active Member
Originally Posted by oscardeuce
8 years of bashing Bushby the left and you are already crying over our pointing out Obama's lies?
Cry me a river.
Yet another eloquent retort from Vici's right-wing brother.

We had good cause to bash Dubya all those years. Look what he stuck Obama with...

darthtang aw

Active Member
Originally Posted by bionicarm
Yet another eloquent retort from Vici's right-wing brother.

We had good cause to bash Dubya all those years. Look what he stuck Obama with...
Stuck him with? Last I checked he asked for the job knowing what he was walking into. And it has not gotten better since he took it.
Prices are now drastically starting to fall......This is not a good thing at all. Cap and trade...will increase business taxes. Healthcare, will increase business taxes. Business are having to drastically reduce their prices to get anyone to buy anything. Adding additional costs to businesses (when they are having a VERY difficult time getting people to buy things) helps the economy how? Policies this president wants in place.....


Active Member
I can sum it up this way:
Obama's Mama was TRASH.
Liberal Medias daughters are probably homosexuals and hethens too, so we need to flush it out into the open.
Bristol Palin is 100000 times greater than the trailer trash garbage known as Obama's Mama!

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really cute. VVV, youre an intelligent person and i respect you for your knowledge about SW stuff, but right now i really want to punch you in the face. i hope this thread gets locked.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Darthtang AW
Stuck him with? Last I checked he asked for the job knowing what he was walking into. And it has not gotten better since he took it.
Prices are now drastically starting to fall......This is not a good thing at all. Cap and trade...will increase business taxes. Healthcare, will increase business taxes. Business are having to drastically reduce their prices to get anyone to buy anything. Adding additional costs to businesses (when they are having a VERY difficult time getting people to buy things) helps the economy how? Policies this president wants in place.....
Falling prices aren't necessarily a bad thing. When prices drop, more people buy things. Granted you lose some of your profit margin, but you're making money just the same. Take for instance the clothing industry. You realize the markup they have on that stuff? I buy my winter clothes when the stores are changing their inventories to their summer stock, and vice versa. Why? Last October, I went to Dillards and Macy's and bought $500 worth of shirts, slacks, shorts, and bathing suits for $100. They always mark their stuff dwon 60% - 70% to clear it off the racks. I've been doing this for 15 years now.
Cap and trade - I don't agree with this one either. However, something has to be done about greenhouse emissions and our carbon footprint, whether you want to believe in global warming or not. All I know is we've been in a drought for almost 23 months now, and have had 100+ temperatures for three weeks straight. Oregon and Washington state are hitting the same temps, and people are scrambling to find portable A/C units just to stay cool.
Healthcare - that one is still up in the air. I see the Republicans brought out their proposal whereby neither businesses or individuals will have to contribute. The Blue Dogs are trying to shut it down, which goes to show you how bad partisan politics throw a monkey wrench into the system.
Addidtional costs to businesses? Granted I'm in the service provider business, but I've actually added clients the last couple of months. I haven't had to adjust my costs in over two years now. No new taxes have been proposed for my business, and unless the healthcare reform goes the direction you think it will, I won't see any differences whatsoever this year to my bottom line, except that they'll go up.

darthtang aw

Active Member
Originally Posted by bionicarm
Falling prices aren't necessarily a bad thing. When prices drop, more people buy things. Granted you lose some of your profit margin, but you're making money just the same. Take for instance the clothing industry. You realize the markup they have on that stuff? I buy my winter clothes when the stores are changing their inventories to their summer stock, and vice versa. Why? Last October, I went to Dillards and Macy's and bought $500 worth of shirts, slacks, shorts, and bathing suits for $100. They always mark their stuff dwon 60% - 70% to clear it off the racks. I've been doing this for 15 years now.
This is the only part of your post I will contend with. The rest I can agree with to a degree actually. But here is where we disagree. You are mentioning their annual sales and comparing that to a constant price reduction. Several things are happenning in the retail business that most don't see.
Constant sales---essentially permanently reduced prices. This does get people to buy, but it affects the bottomline. Remember CEOs and board directors expect a certain bottomline. If that is not met, things change. First thing to change usually is the amount of personel as this is the easiest place to cut costs. Example, home Depot where I work part time has PERMANENTLY reduced prices on over 1000 commonly used and needed items. Their store sales are not even near the levels of last year, much less 3 years ago. To compensate for this the overnight freight team is being cut in most stores (store has to maintain a ceartin dollar amount per year to retain them). No new employees hired, even if needed, instead you have employees covering multiple areas. All part-timers hired for the summer season have been let go or aren't getting any hours till sales pick up more.
Now, these reduced prices have helped the consumer sure, but do they help the economy as a whole, no. Look at the amount of people I mentioned that are out of work because of lower prices.
There are two things consumers watch when it comes to the economy. Unemployment rate and the stock market.....What do CONSTANT lower prices do to those two things after reading my information I have given.
Historically...sales are fine. But a constant reduction in the price of Goods and services leads to a recession turning into a depression. Look at the history if this sounds ridiculous.
Look at the airlines...the just ran a sale on airline tickets something like 30 dollars to anywhere in the U.S. one way tickets. That is rediculous....yet, the consumer benefits greatly on deals like this....but something like this ais a big sign we are heading for trouble...the airlines tend to operate t a loss most of the time anyway...if they are reducing prices just to fill planes, that tells me they are desperate to get people to fly. Even if it means operating at more of a loss. As long as the can fill planes and keep people traveling during the recession the will weather this time period and be able to raise the prices back up....But in the meantime, where do they make up their cost for such reduced prices? My guess, more job cuts..........
See why price reductions worry me and are bad. Espetially when so broad and country wide.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Darthtang AW
This is the only part of your post I will contend with. The rest I can agree with to a degree actually. But here is where we disagree. You are mentioning their annual sales and comparing that to a constant price reduction. Several things are happenning in the retail business that most don't see.
Constant sales---essentially permanently reduced prices. This does get people to buy, but it affects the bottomline. Remember CEOs and board directors expect a certain bottomline. If that is not met, things change. First thing to change usually is the amount of personel as this is the easiest place to cut costs. Example, home Depot where I work part time has PERMANENTLY reduced prices on over 1000 commonly used and needed items. Their store sales are not even near the levels of last year, much less 3 years ago. To compensate for this the overnight freight team is being cut in most stores (store has to maintain a ceartin dollar amount per year to retain them). No new employees hired, even if needed, instead you have employees covering multiple areas. All part-timers hired for the summer season have been let go or aren't getting any hours till sales pick up more.
Now, these reduced prices have helped the consumer sure, but do they help the economy as a whole, no. Look at the amount of people I mentioned that are out of work because of lower prices.
There are two things consumers watch when it comes to the economy. Unemployment rate and the stock market.....What do CONSTANT lower prices do to those two things after reading my information I have given.
Historically...sales are fine. But a constant reduction in the price of Goods and services leads to a recession turning into a depression. Look at the history if this sounds ridiculous.
Look at the airlines...the just ran a sale on airline tickets something like 30 dollars to anywhere in the U.S. one way tickets. That is rediculous....yet, the consumer benefits greatly on deals like this....but something like this ais a big sign we are heading for trouble...the airlines tend to operate t a loss most of the time anyway...if they are reducing prices just to fill planes, that tells me they are desperate to get people to fly. Even if it means operating at more of a loss. As long as the can fill planes and keep people traveling during the recession the will weather this time period and be able to raise the prices back up....But in the meantime, where do they make up their cost for such reduced prices? My guess, more job cuts..........
See why price reductions worry me and are bad. Espetially when so broad and country wide.
I completely agree with everything you said. On that note, what do you do to turn it around? If businesses increase their prices, people will buy less. If people buy less, you have the same effects as if they lowered their prices.
I actually take no credence in the value of the stock market being an indicator for the economy. The day traders and short sellers have too big of an impact on market trends. The news throws out some doom and gloom, or some 'financial expert' makes some hokey prediction, and the DOW index drops 200 points in one day. Whose that guy on one of the financial news shows that did that one stupid prediction, and it tanked the DOW for almost 500 points? I remember him coming on TV the next day apologizing profusely for his blunder.


Active Member
Originally Posted by bionicarm
Cap and trade - I don't agree with this one either. However, something has to be done about greenhouse emissions and our carbon footprint, whether you want to believe in global warming or not. All I know is we've been in a drought for almost 23 months now, and have had 100+ temperatures for three weeks straight. Oregon and Washington state are hitting the same temps, and people are scrambling to find portable A/C units just to stay cool.
How in the world does this make the slightest bit of sense? Some people happen to believe in global warming or climate or WTH it's called nowadays, so every
one must be forced to change?

Some people believe in god, so we force everyone to believe in him too, right?
By the way, I call your bluff on a 23-month drought...

darthtang aw

Active Member
Originally Posted by bionicarm
I completely agree with everything you said. On that note, what do you do to turn it around? If businesses increase their prices, people will buy less. If people buy less, you have the same effects as if they lowered their prices.
I actually take no credence in the value of the stock market being an indicator for the economy. The day traders and short sellers have too big of an impact on market trends. The news throws out some doom and gloom, or some 'financial expert' makes some hokey prediction, and the DOW index drops 200 points in one day. Whose that guy on one of the financial news shows that did that one stupid prediction, and it tanked the DOW for almost 500 points? I remember him coming on TV the next day apologizing profusely for his blunder.
While you may take no credence in it, there are many that do. Do not under estimate the perception the stock market gives. Plus remember, many have their 401 K tied up in it. If the stock market climbs, they feel good...if it stays even for a while, they feel secure. All of these factor into their perceptions and spending habits....It took 1 year of stock market gains after 9/11 for everyone to start feeling better about their place in life for the most part. But as you said, the stock market is volatile nd unpredictable. So this can not be controlled.
So what do you do about the rest. As Forrest Gump said, "I am not a smart man.......' But if it were me, I would ride it out. Every Proposal that Obama has and wants so far, as they are written, has the potential to seriously exasurbate this situation. Every Proposal cost companies money at some avenue or another. No matter how they do it. This inturn eats into profit margins which inturn eat into available jobs...thus increasing unemployment.
He is going after the wrong things right now. Healthcare. Yeah, woohoo...fine and dandy, I have healthcare now...but is my prolonged life better because I am healthy if I am one of the one's laid off to bring this about? Especially if I can not find a job since unemployment has gone up?
Everyone keeps pointing at other countries that have healthcare that is in support of it. Asking, "If they can do it why cant we?". But there are several factors they are not looking at.
France, has healthcare, when not in a recession their unemployment is around 12%.
England, has healthcare, and the recently denied an operation to a person that needed a new liver. He was 22 and had been an alcoholic...he had enrolled in AA and other classes 3 weeks before his hospitalization....denied. He was 22.....
Canada, has healthcare, but in some areas an MRI takes 6 months to have. Many Canadians would go to the U.S. for these procedures and pay out of pocket if they could because their system is overflowed. Saw this first hand as I lived in Minneapolis back in 2001. My brother was an EMT. I would go visit him sometimes at the hospital and 20% of the vehicles in the lot would be Canadian.
These are the three models held up for us to view. All three have serious reprecussions and in the grand scheme of things did the healthcare plan make their countries stronger? I am not sure.
But there is a huge key factor everyone is over looking when using them as models. Their budget does NOT give near the money we give to countries in need. Their Budgets do not have the huge military budget we do, why? Because they mainly use us...Every U.N. action is carried out by 90% U.S. military.
On a global scale what happens if we cut our military to afford healthcare? What happens if we cut our charity?
Every adult has choice on healthcare in the beginning. Most I know without heathcare (I live in New Mexico, the healthcare free capital state of the country) drive vehicles with 450-600 dollar a month payments....They made a choice.
Wait, till the economy rides itself out. Wait and see if the stimulus package starts working. Doing expenditure after expenditure does not solve the problem...and the more bills they pass that are controversial, the more the economy will tank. His approval rating is going down, faster than I thought it would. I think it is because he is trying to do to much to fast...slow down, you have four years...if he passes these two bills now, what will he do with the next three years? He already passed stimulus, if in one year from now things are bad if not worse because he passed these two things (cap and trade and healthcare) then what? He won't change his mind.....he won't repeal them. That rarely happens.

darthtang aw

Active Member
Basically what I am saying is do not ADD factors to an already unstable market, which is what the president and congress are now trying to do. It can only have bad results when you start taking money from companies and businesses.
On a sidenote. I would support this kind of a healthcare bill....not at this point in time, but once the other issues have calmed down. A plan that covers ALL children from birth to the age of 18 or through college. Covers all Veterans and covers all elderly over the age of 65. Everyone between college age and 65 would pay a 2% tax towards this, regardless of income level as you will benefit or have benefited from this program at some point in time.
THIS type of a program would reduce private healthcare cost, as the government just picked up the most costly ages for health insurance.