A question? a killer tang


I had a yellow tang and then its kill my two clowns and a rockbuety angelfish but then for no reason died. I now wanna buy another one but will it be safe?


Originally Posted by Reef_Dart21
I had a yellow tang and then its kill my two clowns and a rockbuety angelfish but then for no reason died. I now wanna buy another one but will it be safe?
Explain more about your system. How long did you have each fish? What order did you add them and how far apart. What sized tank is this and how long has it been set up. Did you notice white spots on any of the fish?


when i had the yellow tanf it was in my tank first and i did notice some spots on it but thought nothing of it. my old tank was a 55 hexagon tank but i recently did a tank change and went to a 55 gallon rectangle. The other fish were added later but for about 2 months they seemed fine then i look and the tang was beating them up with his dorsal fin.


Active Member
its possible the tang was stressed out from being cramped in a small space. how big was the tang? tang police should be chiming in here soon - but moral of the story is that these fish need a good 6 feet of swimming room, if not they can become stressed and in some cases the territorial instinct can surface and they start to use the "scalpel".


see i had ALOT of swimming room for it but the swimming room was lengthwise and he just was happy with forcing out my fish from their hiding places and him taking them. But why did it dye? it had some spots and actually bite marks in it but all i had in the tank at the time was a serpant seastar and a group of dartfish


Active Member
well a 55g is not a lot of swimming for these fish...
however seems you may have something in your tank that you are not aware of. what could cause the bite marks?
if it had discolorations on it, describe them because that is suspect to its death and behavior. could be a fungal or bacterial infection or something like that. sometimes the YTs are very aggressive. I have had the very rare case of a YT that ate all of the antennae off all of the shrimp in my system. seen it posted about 3 times in my time on here. some open ended questions here that need to be answered, did you by chance take any pics?

ric maniac

Active Member
Green brittle starfish are notorious for killing fish, and that might be what killed it. On another note, yellow tangs need a 125g tank minimum and I would bet a large sum of money that it was stressed and killed the fish due to it.


if this helps i did notice before the tank change alot of little slug looking things that i dont remmeber putting in the tank


It is hard to say with any certainty who killed what now that they are all dead. It is very possible that the YT killed the other fish. The tank size was too small and you said that he chased the others and there were bite marks. You also said that there were spots. They could have been ich spots or bacterial infections from the bites.