A question about filters


I have two hang on the back filters right now. A Sandman and a Emporer 400(the emporer is currently cracked so I am getting it replaced, should be in in a couple of weeks). I also have a DSB and when it matures I think it will help with the filtration too.
I do not have the money for a wet/dry. So is the filtration I have on there now good?
When I go to my LFS I notice that they usually do not have hang on filters. I notice that they have one big tube in the back, what is that? I also notice that one of my LFS has a canister in his tank. It is hidden by a black back drop and it sits in the left side of the tank.
Please tell me what the things I named are and what are their benifits. I was just curious about all this and I know you guys know your stuff
Thanks for all your help


Active Member
the tube in the back probably goes to a sump
if you have a dsb, and lr, with good circulation, that should be fine for filtration, i am using none on our 75, just circulating the water, but if you are going to replace the emporer, maybe consider replacing it with a skimmer


I already have a prizm protien skimmer. I just do not have it running. I am replacing the emperor when they send me the replacement. So when I get my replacment, I will have a Sandman, an Emp. 400 and the skimmer.
Should I go ahead and start the skimmer?


Active Member
yep, it will help more for nutrient export, thus helping you to control your ammonia and nitrates better, by roming more junk than even your filters will, ithink i would use it instead of the emporer, maybe even consider selling the emporer, if you do well without it, iknow you have read my posts, i have no filters at all running, just powerheads, yoou ahving a dsb and lr, you'll be fine without 1 or both filters, i too had my doubts, but believe me it works, try it with the prizm and not the emporer for a week or 2, you'll be convinced and sell the emporeer(for something maybe more lr or fish or somethin)
just try it for sh..ts and giggles if nothing else, you have nothing to loose, except gaining control fo your ammonia(which you are having problems with anyway, right?)
also, do you hav any powerheads??, if not, i would get one or 2 to circulate the water(especially at lower levels)


just curious what is in your tank creating this kind of bioload that both HOB filters cannot handle. give us a list of what you have in the tank. I would agree with previous post that you should run the skimmer.


My tank is 2 months old. I have had 2 damsels for almost 2 weeks and I have one True Perc for about a week as well as 10 snails and 10 blue legs for the same amount of time. All are alive and are eating well, with no signs of disease.
I think I do not have a problem with my HOB filters, I am just kinda nervous about them. I do not want to get deep in this hobby and then realize that I need a new filter. Also I have heard that Sandman filters are for crap, but I got mine free.
I think I will keep the emp 400, never can have too much filtration right?


Active Member
You probably won't get back what you put into the emperor money wise. Think about keeping the emperor as a back up, or using the emporer and keeping the sandman as a back up. The emperors are great for holding charcoal or other stuff and for water circulation to. They are great filters, and they don't raise nitrates like people proclaim.


Active Member
Man - you are asking all the right questions!! :)
I have no filtration at all!!! LR/LS, a couple of powerheads and a skimmer for my 55 Gallon. I plan on adding a sump system with a modified refugium (algae, mud, cheap lighting and a cheap sump) to send the water flow to and from.