I was wondering how hard is hammer coral to keep, i have two 1100 rio ph's and a 75 gallon, what kind of care do they need, oh by the way i have compact fluorecents and id say 110 lbs of live rock, and no refugium.
I think you have plenty of PC lighting for a hammer coral. They are beautiful corals and you will love it. They are not difficult to keep as long as you have a mature, stable tank. How long has your tank been set up?
Wrassecal is right...as a rule a hammer coral is a fairly easy to maintain speciman...they require moderate lighting and current ...plus they would adjust quicker in a stable/balanced/mature system ... I also believe that they benefit from either direct feedings of meaty type foods or from a healthy micro infauna population that they can feed off of.
Lighting is only one of many factors that can determine if a coral can thrive.
As for the Rios you mentioned...I'd seriously consider switching to a different brand that is more reliable and less likely to cause extensive problems.
Originally posted by NM reef
As for the Rios you mentioned...I'd seriously consider switching to a different brand that is more reliable and less likely to cause extensive problems.
I like maxijets