A Question about my new Lawnmower


I got a Lawnmower Blenny 2 days ago. He has been doing great and he has acclimated great to my tank. He hasnt been picking at any of the algae though yet, how long does it take them to start eating? :D

jason weber

are you talking about eating food that you feed your other fish? i have had my lawnmower blennie for about 6 months and have never seen him eat the food i feed my fish, he is always eating algea from the tank, but he has grown more than any other fish i have.

nm reef

Active Member
Sometimes it just takes a while for a new addition to get used to its new environment...be patient. If you have a food source I'd bet hes getting a bite here and there....your lawnmover blenny will primarily munch the algaes in your system. :cool:


I know that mine did'nt start eatng right away.Then I noticed he was grazing on the back of the tank from all the little "lip" marks on the glass.Recently I have been worried he was not getting enough to eat since he has been keeping the algae under control.I just stopped cleaning the back and side glass.Now he seems to be ok.


I've had mine for about a month now and I too havn't seen him eat any of the foods I feed the other fishes. I do however, throw in a piece of dried seaweed from time to time to make sure he has enough to eat. I saw him for the first time in two days today and his stomach is fatter then ever. Just keep an eye on him and have some seaweed handy, just in case.


I know that they do not eat "regular" foods. I have TONS of differant types of algae for him to munch on, so he should be alright from what im hearing from you guys. Do Lawnmowers change colors? I've noticed that mine looks differant in my tank(full of LR and all differant colors), than in his old LFS tank(CC with a castle for a hiding spot.) He has a much more darker tone, with more reds and blues. Is this normal? :D


Mine has some red and a little yellow on his tail. I've noticed some that are more grayer than others. It might be a way for them to conceal themselves from predators.

reef aquaria

New Member
We had a lawnmower blenny until he went after the blue spotted jawfish. He would be a lighter color when he was on the sand and turn darker when on the rocks to blend in.

madd catt

You could try spirulina 20 algea flakes by aquatrol or algea tablets by kent marine and grow more algea in your tank.


Well, since I've posted this, my lawnmower has become an absolute PIG! He started eating about 5-6 days after I got him, and now he always sports his big ole belly. Also, I've been having a couple of problems in my tank lately... It would be nice if I could get some answers on it, its over in the disease forum. :D