A question for any sponge enthusiasts


I've had a red tree sponge in the tank for about 3 mos. and all is going well. Two days ago I noticed that from each end of the sponge branch tip, a white hairy area has developed. (It almost looks as though its been exposed to air but I know it hasn't!) It is just at the tip, but it's on each brach of the whole sponge. Is this anything to worry about or is the sponge beginning to grow in size? It's located in the darkest part of the tank in direct flow of a powerhead. I will try to post a picture. Any input would be appreciated. Thanks.


It kinda sounds like what mine looked like before it began to melt away. I got an orange and a red tree on the same day, the orange one is still rocking out, but the red one melted after a few months... go figure...


Active Member
Originally Posted by AlbFishin'
(It almost looks as though its been exposed to air but I know it hasn't!)
You can't really know this. It could have been taken out of water probably a minimum of 3 possible times that you didn't see. Once during collection, once before shipping by the collector, and once after receiving the shipment from the collector. Plus, this thing might have went to 10 other tanks before getting to you. Just something to think about.