a question you prolly never thought of


Active Member
do you think there will be a shortage of SWF ever? im going to lfs and they are saying the price is up on this fish cus they are hard to come by here


with all the new rules and regulations...population decline and damage to reefs....i dont think they will ever run out because of aquaculture efforts but i do think for a period of time there will be a shortage and "hard to get individuals"


Active Member
Certain fish and corals that are easily bred will never have a shortage. If the price of wild caught clownfish goes up, the demand for aquacultured clownfish will increase, leveling itself out.
As far as species that cannot be bred at this time, it's hard to say. The number of saltwater hobbyists is definitely increasing, so the demand is increasing. I'm sure there will be a shortage of certain species.
However, it seems that as more is being learned about the hobby, and better equipment keeps coming out, the possibility to breed some of these other species might be right around the corner. It would be great if we could aquaculture most fish, and not have to worry about a shortage in the oceans reefs.


i am glad to say that hopefully within the next couple of years i will be one of the troops trying to help make the aquaculture of MOST fish possible....woohoo...1 more year of grad. school then it is 4 more years of PHD and we are on the way!!!!


Active Member
I think that as time goes on and with advancements in marine biology, aquaculturing will become more dominant. As we progress I believe more and species of fish as well as corals will be successfully aquacultured.
In fact, rumor has it that Bang Guy has successfully bred a new hybrid species known as the Dwarf Tang and the suggested tank size is only 20 gallons!!! Shhhhhh........ Don't Tell.


Active Member
This is already occurring. Look at Elegance Corals for instance. They used to be far more available and far more healthy.


i read a study that said that the amount of fish that we take for the hobby is so small that it does nothing to the populations of fish on the reef. what does though is when people cianide the reefs and over fishing.


i read a study that said that the amount of fish that we take for the hobby is so small that it does nothing to the populations of fish on the reef. what does though is when people cianide the reefs and over fishing.


Active Member
I completely agree, I was just about to start a thread on the prices of this website and others..If you keep tabs on certain fish, the price varies sometimes weekly from as much as $8-10 between prices


Active Member
well frankly there will most likely be a shortage of swf soon enough. it may not be soon but it will happen. such species as perc clowns may be pulled from the hobby let alone sky rocket in price. and if wholesale percs go up imgaine wat some of the lfs's that make up their overheads would do, plymouth pet for example, has a pair of percs for $50, imagine if the species wer to hit a rapid decline thanks to our friends at disney, those percs might go to like $150! and thats just thinking that we r stressing the enviroment by putting them in our tanks, but what about those that die in shipping and at our lfs, i remember a few months ago walking around my fish section and heard this four year old kid go "NEMOS DEAD!!!!!" "no no no dear, nemos just uh, sleeping. ya sleeeeping" "NO HES DEAD!!"


Originally Posted by Sharkboy13
well frankly there will most likely be a shortage of swf soon enough. it may not be soon but it will happen. such species as perc clowns may be pulled from the hobby let alone sky rocket in price. and if wholesale percs go up imgaine wat some of the lfs's that make up their overheads would do, plymouth pet for example, has a pair of percs for $50, imagine if the species wer to hit a rapid decline thanks to our friends at disney, those percs might go to like $150! and thats just thinking that we r stressing the enviroment by putting them in our tanks, but what about those that die in shipping and at our lfs, i remember a few months ago walking around my fish section and heard this four year old kid go "NEMOS DEAD!!!!!" "no no no dear, nemos just uh, sleeping. ya sleeeeping" "NO HES DEAD!!"
ur gettin a little carried away. the reason they were being sold for that price was cause they were already a pair. percs are captive born almost always now. i can't remember the last time i didn't see one that wasn't. not to mention the fact that the price in your area could be inflated as well. percs here are goin for 15 bucks cause they're a dime a dozen. this hobby isn't putting a dent into the environment except for when we take cleaner wrasses and important fish species such as this out of the wild. what is is pollution and over fishing.


Active Member
Just last week in my Global Interdependence Class we looked at an article that said there will be no seafood in 2050. In our life time we will see over 100 species become extinct (well known species). There is the article about the seafood - http://www.newscientist.com/article...od-by-2050.html Global Warming....Scary stuff
Yeah, I've heard a lot about this lately and it's starting to freak me out. My roomate stopped eating fish again (she's a vegitarian but starting eating fish again last year) and I've practically stopped eating fish (I can't completely give up sushi, I'm a selfish human being).
I can't justify my swf hobby, but I think there are bigger culprits, like comercial fishing, pollution, global warming etc.


Active Member
Originally Posted by anthropo
the reason they were being sold for that price was cause they were already a pair.
but they wer $50 each, not just $50 for them both, $100 for a perc clown pair? i dont think so


Active Member
i see alot of TRUE perc pairs for $100, some guy at one lfs around here went a little ridiculous and was selling two HUGE O clowns and the host anenome for $200... someone bought it too