A real public service announcement


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Well, some of you may remember when I told the story about my daughter being born and that I had a friend commit suicide at that time. I suspected at that time that his suicide was drug related and it was confirmed to me today. I ran into a friend... the roommate of my deceased friend and he told me a little about what was going on around the time of the suicide.
This person had always been a

partier so to speak. Whether we are talking about drugs, alcohol or whatever. He had stopped a few times and gone to rehab but he always would relapse after some period of time. And each relapse was more severe than his previous habits.
Around the time of his death, he had been doing a lot of partying. Apparently, he was doing every and all drugs that he could get his hands on.... cocaine, heroine, even crack. He was going out every night and spending a lot of $$ on drugs, alcohol, as well as other unhealthy endeavors. He lost his job and wasn't paying his bills. Things obviously got out of control for him and he couldn't handle it anymore.
I tell this story because I think there are a lot of young people out there in their early 20's who have experimented with substances and are inching towards the next phase of their life. Don't get me wrong, I'm not going to say I never partied or experimented, but I always thought that those type of things were for young people and eventually, you need to get your life together. This situation is not an isolated incident either. In the 9 years since I graduated from college, I have seen 5 of my college buddies die from substance related issues, (3 in substance related traffic accidents, 1 overdose, 1 suicide). And I know a lot more people who's lives are going downhill from these types of problems.
There are too many nonsense "just say no" and peer pressure commercials out there that have no real effect. This is just one example of what the long term effects of continued drug use causes. Hopefully, some "partiers" out there will read this and when the time comes, exercise some self control. Just wanted to share a story...


Active Member
Hey Crimz, thanks for sharing that. I can't imagine how painful this must be for all of you who cared so much about him and the others that you have lost. Hopefully, your right, and through your pain and loss, the sharing of his story and so many like his, someone can realize where they are heading and stop before they reach this point. Take care and ((hugs)) out to you and his family and loved ones.


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Originally Posted by rberhow
Hey Crimz, thanks for sharing that. I can't imagine how painful this must be for all of you who cared so much about him and the others that you have lost. Hopefully, your right, and through your pain and loss, the sharing of his story and so many like his, someone can realize where they are heading and stop before they reach this point. Take care and ((hugs)) out to you and his family and loved ones.
Thanks... you're a sweetie.


Active Member
And all of the families involved with the individuals also. Its a tough road for everyone involved. A friend of our is going through this very same thing with her son. Kicked drugs in high school. Went to trade school, got a great paying job as a pipe fitter, great girl friend, just bought a small first house, etc..... one night he decided to "celebrate" with some old "friends" and 2 years later he his a total mess. Has lost everything.

I know his family is very concerned for him, but they have had to take a step back from trying to rescue him for now the 5th time in 2 years. He gets worse when they do. I can't imagine how heartbreaking it is to watch your loved one self destruct.


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Originally Posted by Mimzy
oh Crimzy. So sorry. How are YOU taking everything?
Me? I'm fine. I feel for my friend's family and am pissed off at his stupidity. In fact, I'm very frustrated with all the guys I know who have these types of issues. People need to make a choice at some point whether or not they are going to have a decent life. I know a lot of people who have lost a lot because of tragedy... then there are idiots who sacrifice themselves and hurt their families because of their own choices. Idiots.
Of all the people who continued these problems after college, NONE of them have decent lives at this point. But they continue to do the same things. Why don't they see what everyone else sees?


Active Member
Originally Posted by crimzy
. But they continue to do the same things. Why don't they see what everyone else sees?
Some people are wired to not succumb to addictions... sadly some aren't and get stuck in them forever.


they need to stop having ads about just the pot and go into the drugs that really matter. MTV has this program "TRUE LIFE" and so does i beilve A&E "INTERVENTIOn", those are really hard for even me to watch. I recently had to kick out a 36 year old friend that acts younger than me. he also has drug problems really bad. They never grow up and excape reality through the drugs. I am really sorry to hear about your friend crimzy just don't ever blame yourself. he had to help himself before you could. Just remember the fun times.


sorry again, crimzy, i hope you're doing well.
Fortunately, i never once experimented with any kind of substance (didn't even sniff markers or anything). Wait, i take that back... i've been drunk once in my life... There are a number of reasons i didn't, but the strongest one was that i was so afraid of getting into trouble. That was the worst thing that could ever happen to me. I felt like i just wanted to crawl into a corner and die when i got in trouble, or when my parents were mad at me...
My sister, on the other hand, is a whole different story... she started smoking pot in 10th grade, and it just went downhill from there. She's had about 20 jobs in the past 2 years. She dropped out of college 3 semesters in a row. She's in debt over her head, yet she somehow finds money to go out partying almost every night. I'm worried about her, but i also can't stand her at the same time. She had her life handed to her on a silver platter. My mom works at a nice private college in the area, which means all of her dependants get to go for free. I got a free bachelor's degree, my mom's working on hers... my sister, however, just said 'no thanks, not for me'. I also cannot stand that my parents are ok with everything she does. If my child ever did the things my sister does, they'd be out of the house in a heartbeat. She'll also sleep with any guy that's willing, so i'm sure she has at least a few STD's... AND she brags about it!!! "oh, i did a cop in the back seat of his car last night" "oh, i went to a group orgy yesterday"... i just want to slap her upside her head!
I wish someone could talk some sense into her, but she won't have it. I've tried so many times to talk to her about her life, and evertime she cries, tells me she wants a better life, promises me she'll do better, and then a week later she's back in the same habit.


Crimzy, I very sorry to hear about your friend. Sometimes when I hear these stories, I think, that could have been me. I feel like one of the lucky ones. I know many who aren't so lucky.


you guys should seriously do an intervention because AIDS is no joke. Either is heroin if she is soing that. I know it sucks to say but when she has those drugs on her you need to call the cops on her so she can get professional help. either that or she needs to check herself into a clinic. Turst me when i say you can not help someone you love they will always manipulate you into thinking they are doing good or even hide thier problem from you. My dad is a big time alcoholic and some friends are drug abusers that do sexual acts for those drugs. don't let her problem bring you down jen. she needs professional help.


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Thanks for all the positive responses everyone. I didn't start this thread for sympathy or condolensces because my life is great. I reacted when I heard some of the stories that I was told about this guy's life just prior to his death (couldn't post most of them). It just boggles my mind that I see so many people engage in self destructive behavior and they are oblivious to it. Even when things begin to fall apart, that seems to just drive people further into their destructive behaviors.


Active Member
Originally Posted by petieaztec
yeah it sucks huh our parents were right, Drugs are BAD!
Drugs are bad M'kay.


Hey crimzy hope you don't mind if I derail this thread just a bit . You know what's been going on so I guess you'll understand . :thinking:
Back at the end of September I was on my way to work. I deliver newspapers . So it was very early about 2:30 on a monday morning . Normaly my daughter rides with me in the mornings but this day she was with my wife . I was making a left turn on the arrow when a drunk driver ran the red light and hit me head on. His truck caved in the whole pasanger side front end of my truck . He came around and asked me if "we are cool" he didn't notice that there was no way I was getting my truck to move outa traffic let alone drive it away. I told him to hang on a secondas I was already calling the police. He asked again if "we we're cool" I told him no. at that point he got back in his truck and took off. He was so drunk that he left the pasanger of his vehicle standing there. This guy said he didn't know the guy that was driving that he was just getting a ride. He got a phone call on his mobile phone and begain walking away. good thing for me that My wife was just a few blocks away and headed twards us. I called her and she followed the guy that was walking. Turns out this guy was the drivers brother . the cops csught him about 15 minutes later and he went to jail right then and there for a few things . I had the quick thinking enough to write down the license plate number . The state patrol took a discription of the guy and followed the plates to his parents house the discription matched and he was charged with a few diferent things also . After a few weeks I get a call from his probation officer asking for details of what had happend. Come to find out he was only 23 and was already a convicted felony drunk driver and that this was going to put him back in jail for a long time. This is only part of the story . The imediate story of what happened.
It's now 5 months later . I have been in the emergancy room twice now . one the night of the accident , and a few weeks ago because the medication they have given me has caused an ulcer . the first month I saw my family doctor once a week. the second month I saw my family doctor every two weeks and I saw the chiropractor three times a week. the thrid month I saw the family doctor twice and the chiropractor twice a week. since then I see the doctor once a month and the chiropractor every week. The did X rays last week and I have a pinched disk in my neck . I now have to have an MRI done in the morning. As of today I have lost strength in my arms , I have a constant pain in my leg that does not go away it keeps me from standing ,sitting for any length of time . I can not sleep more then a few hours with out waking up hurting . My wife is forced to work two jobs plus help me deliver news papers just to make ends meet. She then has to help out with the house work . I do as much as I can , but just can't keep up with it and our 2 year old daughter. I'm called at least twice a day from bill collectors trying to get payment for medical bills that have incured since september.
All of this because Some kid with no responsability drank too much and got behind the wheel . He could have made it home that night with out a hitch but he didn't .
Sorry I know it was a little off topic but I thought it might add .


that's what happens when you give your kids no responsibility. he probably speaks to his father the same way. hey dad i just crashed the porche and took out a mother and her kids you will give me an alaby(SP?) right, that's cool? I am really sorry that happened to you, i am 23 and i don't drive drunk. the taxi on the weekends are my best friends.


drunk driving is the worst thing ever!!! i think it should be treated as attempted murder every time. This whole 'send them to jail after their third DWI' crap is the biggest load ever!!! i HATE drunk drivers. If i hear someone i know has a DWI, i immediately lose all respect for them, and only deal with that person if it's necessary. I keep them out of my life!