There are a few different speices of small sharks that are fully mature are only a foot long or so, but these fish are pretty rare to science. Not much is known about many species of sharks in the Squaliforme family, many have only been identified from 5 or fewer individual specimen. One thing in common with almost all sharks in the family is that they are found in deep water, so that would be hard to replicate in a home aquarium, and makes it harder for a diver to collect the fish, that would make the price of the extremely high if you could find one. There is one species that could work if you got a hold of one, its the Etmopterus lucifer (kinda ominous huh?) or Blackbelly lanternshark, that has survived in captivity in Japan. It is only about 16 inches full grown. If you can find one of these guys, good luck. I've never heard of any lanternfish on the market, but then again I don't look for em either.