A short progression on my tank.


Active Member
Shadiest1, what do your phosphates test at? Are you using the same fish food? How about "reef supplements" like liquid phyto etc.


Active Member
i don't have a phosphate test. i am using trace elements/kent calcium right now. I am waiting on my reef solutions to get here (internet order). how do you mean, "same fish food"? if you mean same food everyday, no... i mix it up with frozen brine, formula 1, sometimes flake, freeze dried mysis shrimp, seaweed salad, and garlic pellets. i feed a different food everyother day.


Active Member
Same as what you used to feed your FO tank that you never had any problems with. Frozen prepared foods can have a lot of phosphates and can lead to problems.


Active Member
What types of food would you recommend? I personally use alot of Formula One, Emerald Green. Also a little brine shrimp. I have a variety of corals and have been tube feeding them Formula one. I feed them once to twice a week. I also use Kent Marine Snow, and Micro Vert and Coral Vite. I have no problem with Algae but are these good foods/suppliments for corals? I am starting to frag some of the new stuff and would be using the same. I have been reading about alot of different stimulators that I might or might not use.

who dey

Active Member
Originally Posted by Angelofish
Nice tank. Does your Tang eat the plants in your tank? What kind are they. Ive tried different kinds so far with no luck.If my Tang doest pick on them my hermit crabs do. :notsure:
Yikes!!! Just saw the slime pics. :eek:
try to find some calerpa. great sw plant for tangs! only pain is it grows like wild flowers unless you have a really hungry tang


i have a questin, you have a cc starfish. the lfs told me not to put one in my tank because i have a mushroom rock. don't you have corals in your tank? Do you have problems or should i listen to lfs. I usually don't i most of the time come on here and ask. I have found most employees at lfs just clock in and sell fish...


Active Member
No, DO NOT PUT THEM IN WITH CORALS. He is in my refugium along with my pencil urchin. I keep all of my pest fish down there. I also have some convict damsels because no LFS will buy them back. If anyone wants some hearty damsels these are the ones. I will sell cheap because I just dont want them.


Active Member
Are you talking about the Huma Huma? If so, he went to the pet store months ago. I really liked having him but I couldnt keep many inverts so he is now probrably in a F/O tank. My LFS owner is very responsable when it comes to saltwater. Too bad though I really liked the little guy. He used to click at me whenever i would walk by the tank.
As for the Koran, I am going to keep him in this tank until the end of the weekend, by then the other 55gal FO tank should be ready. After that, I am sending down to my brother that maintains alot of really big tanks. We will find him a great big home. LOL


Active Member
Originally Posted by Schadiest1
i have more of a wide variety of foods now.
Frozen brine is often HIGH in phosphates and has little or no nutritional value. I'd nix that one. Pet stores like to sell it to people... "such and such a fish LOVES it". Sure it does... I like candy but it sure isn't doing me any good!


Active Member
Does anyone know about the phosphate levels in other food? Such as
Formula 1 / 2.
Emerald green frozen cubes.


Active Member
I feed formula 1 and 2 pellets and frozen formula 1 and I have never had phosphates. (Yes, I test for them.) So I think those are ok. I have never heard of the emerald green, but if you defrost it in a cup of tank water and it colors the water up bad like mud, I'd be suspect... the packing juices in frozen foods are the problem.


Active Member
well then bye bye frozen brine! what about form 1 garlic pellets? Any issues with those from anyone? If you use them, how often do you feed ur fish with 'em.


when i used to feed brine i rinsed it out under water first, that seemed to help.but its true, frozen foods can be bad for your water. if you do feed them frozen, rinse it out under a screen but give just alittle, dont overfeed...


Active Member
ok, here i go with another question about red slime algae (when will I stop right?). When the end of the red slime phase is nearing, how can you tell? Cuz it seems that the areas where my red slime usually is, it's turning more brown than red now. U can def. see the color difference and it seems like the red slime is thinning out. Am i just getting my hopes up?


Active Member
It takes a while, like I said above, I had it for almost three months. But I think that once i took care of the issues it cleared up in a couple weeks. Mine started out very thin and eventually became thick enough to peel off in huge sheets. Finally, it just thinned out and disappeared. You are just giong to have to wait and see. Good luck and I know how frustrating it can be.

tuna dan

Yea my tank is 2 months in and the red slime is growing out of control on the sand i think i am going to cut the lights down to 10 hours a day.