A silly poll


I hope ya'll don't run me out of town. I'm ready to get my new hobby (reef keeping ) started. I've done the research, I know what I do and don't need so I don't get screwed by my lfs, I think. My lfs will have to set it up and maintain it for a couple months because I have Lou Gehrig's disease and limited use of my arms. The question is, am I a hobbyist or a wanna be?


I am simply impressed, and my vote is HOBBYIST.
Tell us what you're planning: tank, equip., substrate, how much LR, FO or reef, etc. and let's see what we can suggest. Off the top of my head, a tank with a sump and/or refugium would be easier to handle, and then you would only need to rely on someone to do cleaning and water changes.


I would say you can call yourself whatever you want. Everybody's different. Titles are so not important in this.
Personally, if you put work & money it, and ENJOY it, well it's a hobby and your a hobbiest.
Have fun and good luck!! :) :)

kung fu

Hobbyist...of course...and why not??? :cool:
Life is about enjoyment...not what others think or say about it...
Welcome to the addiction....(where have I heard that before????)
Seriously...the gang here on the swf message boards helped me out a lot!!! Ask questions...then ask questions...then ask a few more...
Peace...and luck!!!


Active Member
You are about to begin the journey into a fantastic hobby making you a

Yep you guessed it. Hobbyist

nm reef

Active Member
Ask away just like the rest of us....and send us a pic when you get some........good luck........take out a loan now!!!!!!!!!.....helps cover the hobbiest addiction....*_^


Welcome to the greatest hobbie in the world, well I think so at least. Also welcome to the BB, any problems just ask, everyone here is so helpful and nice.
You are a hobbist.


If you get the tank setup (sometime) then you are a hobbyist, if you do not, you are just a wanna be and then you will be a "wish I had". This is a great hobby, and there are many helpful, friendly and knowledgable people on this site to help. Don't be afraid to ask questions. Most of all have patience, and don't rush things. Rome was not built in a day, but like a reef tank, it can be destroyed in one.
We wish you the best of luck in this hobby. It can be very addictive, and enjoyable. Most of my friends really like my tank, and find it fascinating. I love finding new things all the time, and really enjoy it. When you get some pics, post them for us.


Active Member
welcome aboard, and it looks like everyone else said it well, but i completely agree with all of them especially jester, i jsut hope your lfs will do things the way you want them too, many of them will disagree with us here on several items, especially a dsb and l(depending on the lfs), some don't but most have their own opinions, which are not neccissarily right, jus tbecause htey sell the stuff
GOOD luck fellow HOBBYIST
pprepare yourself, it is also an addiction


Just think of it like this. Golf is a hobby. But do the people who play it actually make the course? No. A hobby is something you love and enjoy, wether you do all the work or not, it's only as good as what you get out of it. For us it's the enjoyment of being able to sit back and watch a little slice of the underwater world in your own home, office.
Good luck in the hobby, and we hope you have many wonderful years enjoying you're little peice of the ocean.
And my vote is deffinately HOBBIEST

sinner's girl

i'll go with hobbist also. and agree that if you were to not have a tank you'd be a wanna be. So, sit back, let the lfs do the hard part, and then you can do the fun part (picking out fish, feeding and playing with fish, ect.)


WHO CARES???....Hobbyist,wannabe,whatever,..Who cares??...All that matters Is that YOU enjoy YOUR aquarium.You have a physical condition that prevents you from setting up this aquarium,so does that mean that YOU cant use YOUR mind to educate YOURSELF in this hobby??? ABSOLUTELY NOT!!!!! If I had a dollar for everyone who thought I was an Idiot,wannabe,whatever,etc etc etc..I would be RICH!!!!I have found this out In 38 years on this planet.....No matter what,how,are why you do something,someone will be there too critisize you about It.Also,there will be someone that might even applaud your efforts.GOOD LUCK and take care. :D


Man I felt like I was cheating, thanks for the input. So far the only thing I've picked out is the tank. 72gal. bow front.