A snake question!



feeding snakes live food is better they donèt lose all their instinct


excause me i breed ball pythons and never onece have been bitten. the ball python is the best first snake for anyone and since they dont get huge are easier to take care of i have my 7' male in a 125 gallon and he is the sweetest thing ever. all my snakes are i have 32 snakes and i know which ones not to get. Also baby kingsnakes and cornsnakes are extreamly nippy and therfore are better to buy as adults.


Staff member
rep, glad to see you on the BB. This thread you posted in is a bit old, but you may just resurrect interested in it!
Do you have fish tanks?
BTW, balls can bite if you're careless. I have 3 myself. But, I agree, they are great first snakes and can be very sweet.
Just have to post on the " Don't catch it from the wild" thing.
I had caught a small black snake that i found hiding in a tree and one of my tanks was empty so id thought id try it. he escaped during the ngiht and was loose in my house for a week. until one night i went into the kitchen to get some food at 12 at night and saw he had the same idea i did. I let him go, but I still want to get a python since I had to tear down my 72. I LOVE snakes, but mom and little bro are terrified of them so :nope:


Yes just make sure they ae not wild caught because they will not eat and they will die. When I was working for pecto somehow they sent us some wild caught ball pythons I sold them for $10bucks a piece to who ever could get them to eat. I've had Ball Pythons,Cornsnakes,Redtail Boas i wanted a retic python, annaconda,or a tree Boa but wifey would not let me get one.


yes i just got my sw and i am having soo much fun. The only time that i have ever been bitten by a snake is durring feeding time becaus i used my hand to feed frozen it was compleatly careless but my ball python has never bit me