A strage one

Hi, is there anyone can do me a favor to figure out what it is..
My friend ask me abt this...and I cannot find any info abt it.
He find it in the south of Taiwan.
the strange one's body is green color with orange spot. and there is a transparent cream-colored shell on it.
Thx for any info.
Please ref. http://tw.photo.yahoo.com/jeff33tw/ab9


Very cool! Looks like a nudibranch to me too. I had one for 1 day, the next it was sucked into the filter. No more nudibranch purchases for me.
Thx , NM reef , brian01
now I can ID it ! yup! it's the one smiliar to my friend's.
Thx lor. His tank is abt 50 G and wothout any fish inside it. (but with lots shells. and some corals --SPS / LPS )


ya, I had one pop up in my tank. it's realy cool it looks like Zebra with brown trim and feathers. They are realy fast too... for being so small:)