A surprise during my vacation...


Ok, I was in the Philippines (in Manila) and decided to check out several pet stores. I happened to visit one saltwater fish store and it was a saltwater hobbyists dream. Here you can find exotic fishes and corals/LR at SHOCKINGLY LOW :eek: prices. There were many harlequin tusks selling for 150 pesos (equivalent to about $3) about 6" big.
Others like:
Regal angels = 50 pesos ($1)
Dogface puffers = 35 pesos (less than $1)
Various butterfly and angels = 25 pesos (less than $1)
Vol. Lions = 35 pesos
All were of fairly medium sizes (4"-6")
Everything was so low priced that it made me really think about the money I am spending here in the U.S. But, I have to deal with it cause theres no way I can bring it here without going through many legal mumbo jumbo.


I wonder what the law is about having a friend ship them overhere.
Also, what city was this in? I have a few friends from there :)


Yeah, usually the fish in the Phillipines are caught with this method....I hate that they do it that way:(


Some of the best diving I have EVER done in my life was in the P.I. Considering one only has to walk 3 feet off shore to catch fish there, I'm surprised they even have a local market for them.


Didn't ask the owner about the manner in which the fish were caught...but I agree that the fish there are some of the more colorful ones i've seen.


Yeah, they also say that many popular anemones are caught there as well.....what a job......I would love to do that and breed the fish myself as to keep from using mother natures "tank" too much.