a thought on ick


I have read about fish getting ick and how to treat that, but I was wondering, how do inverts survive if you have to hypo? Can inverts get ick? I heard that they could not, and then I heard they could. Also, I have not heard anything about corals getting ick, and how would you treat that. Just wondering, I have recently upgraded my lights and wanted to add corals in the future. Just wondering what to do in case ick ever over takes my tank one day! :thinking:


Active Member
Originally Posted by jsteph24
I have read about fish getting ick and how to treat that, but I was wondering, how do inverts survive if you have to hypo? Can inverts get ick? I heard that they could not, and then I heard they could. Also, I have not heard anything about corals getting ick, and how would you treat that. Just wondering, I have recently upgraded my lights and wanted to add corals in the future. Just wondering what to do in case ick ever over takes my tank one day! :thinking:
Inverts do not survive Hypo. That's why you hypo in a QT tank.
Inverts cannot get Ich. Only Verts.
Ich is a known parasite with a known life cycle. Part of that life cycle includes hosting on a Vert.


Active Member
Inverts can not host the parasite. Only fish are affected. Inverts can also not tolerate hyposalinity, thus they need to be removed from the tank when performing the procedure. You can ensure a disease free system by quarantining all new fish for 3-4 weeks before adding them to the display.

al mc

Active Member
ICH needs a fish to complete its life cycle but, IMHO, at least one of its stages can be 'carried in' on live rock and inverts. I had a bad ICH outbreak when I first started in this hobby...I now hypo all new fish (except mandarins unless they are eating prepared food..unlikely) and 'cure' any new live rock for a minimum of 6 weeks to keep it from potentially bringing in ICH. Unfortunately, I have not used any prolonged isolation on corals/other inverts, but I should (lack of money for proper lighting).........Just what I do.........

al mc

Active Member
Corals can not get 'sick' from ICH. It does not affect them. However, it is debateable whether or not one of the stages of ICH could come in attached
to coral or the rock the coral is attached to......Most people just worry about ICH being introduced into a DT by the addition of fish that have not gone through a QT/possible Hypo treatment.