A very bad day...


Today was one of those days..
I woke up this morning to find one of my two new PJ Cardinals dead and half eaten by my snails and shrimp. My Midas Blenny had been nipping at there fins and bullying them around most of yesterday and both seemed stressed but I was hopeful for a good morning and the behavior would stop. That obviously never came to be.
I brought the remaining PJ to my LFS where the owner was very kind and took him in, I did not, however, receive any store credit. I was fine with this as there was only one and in poor condition. I browsed around the store for a little while and decided on a Two Spot Hogfish to take the PJ's place, and left the store in a pleasant mood.
Once I got home I began to acclimate the new comer and all went well, no fighting or aggression towards any tankmates. I decided to turn the lights on a few hours after releasing the Hogfish into the tank and noticed my Midas Blenny had what looked to be a bruise on his faced that was covered by a white patch. He was also breathing heavier than normal and did not seem to what to swim around as he normally does. So I checked all my parameters and all was well there.
Not knowing what this was I quickly tried to snap a pic to post with no luck and decided to post without a pic. At this time I also started to research as much as I could on what this may be. I narrowed it down to Cotton Mouth or Lymphocystis, but was leaning towards Cotton Mouth due to one of the main ways of contracting this infection is to nip at or eat the fins of deceased fish (remember the dead PJ I had found in the morning).
After receiving some help from the boards I decided the best way to handle this was to wait it out as he was eating and was in good health prior.
Things only got worse from here, as my blenny slowly seemed to fade away. At this point I had to come to the realization that he would not make it through the night and needed to remove him. 30min. and a lot of water on the floor later he was out (odd how a dying fish that I was more or less able to poke with a spoon was so hard to catch).
After cleaning up the mess and getting everything set back, I turned to noticed that my blenny had died.. He was my favorite fish in my tank thus far :( I reluctantly sent him away and just wanted today to end.
It, however, did not..
After letting my blenny go I went back to my tank to find that my new Two Spot was missing. Thinking he was hiding I hovered around the tank for 15min. trying to find him with no luck. Then switched to a ten foot radius around the tank searching everywhere (even through our couch cushions). Still no fish.. I am now hopping that he burrowed himself when I was trying to catch the blenny due to him being frightened. I now have to wait till the morning to find out if I lost him as well.. Not a good feeling..
Almost everything today just seemed surreal and I just want today to be over.. I dont know how you all do it sometimes, handling the stresses of keeping a tank, and sometimes question if it is all worth it..
Thx for listening
i know how you feel, just yesterday i bought two percula clowns, as soon as i got them in the tank the damsels started to pick on them, i turned off the lights and all was well, when i turned the lights on this morning they started to bother them again(although more of a curiosity style poking rather than eat them), the only advice i can give is learn from this and adapt for the next time
never just move on, listen and learn


It doesn't seem like a fish should go from fine to dead in a 12 hour period like that. I doubt the cotton mouth was contracted from eating the dead PJ's that morning. I wonder if your heater is having a hard time keeping up because if your water conditions are fine, maybe a large temp swing could have caused the fish to weaken and stress or die. Do you have a temp swing from night to day?


No, the temp will drop maybe a degree at night but never any large temp swings.
And I couldnt believe how quick it was either, but whatever it was seemed to eat away at his lip? So I dont think it was cotton mouth any more.


Yeah it was a rough day.. Lucky I didnt lose more fish I guess but these were the first fish to die in my tank so I was definitly bummed out..

shrimpy brains

I know what you mean...there are def. days where I think of giving it all up. This hobby can be very frustrating and heartbreaking at times.
I just know that, in the end, the rewards outweigh the trouble and what we have most the time is amazing!! Keep your chin up, it will get better!


Originally Posted by Shrimpy Brains
I know what you mean...there are def. days where I think of giving it all up. This hobby can be very frustrating and heartbreaking at times.
I just know that, in the end, the rewards outweigh the trouble and what we have most the time is amazing!! Keep your chin up, it will get better!
Very true.. And thank you for reminding me of this :)