a very cool tank



it looks like a all in one tank, which arent that big. i dont think the panther will get ugly as it grows, but it will get huge for that tank. i believe 2 feet plus


i just notice a purple tang
i think this is the list
*Purple tang
*Panther grouper
*Some sort of antheis(sp)
*clown fish
*that one fish, Purple and white
*Some kind of angel


Originally Posted by Nemo_66
i just notice a purple tang
i think this is the list
*Purple tang
*Panther grouper
*Some sort of antheis(sp)
*clown fish
*that one fish, Purple and white
*Some kind of angel
i can't find the purple tang...looks more like a damsel.
the anthia is a lyrtail
the purple and white is a firefish
the angel is an eibli pygmy angel
I count 7 fish total. if you look closely, you can see a tiny 6line wrasse under the clownfish near the magnet. you can also see his reflection on the left side of glass.
i see 7 from this view but who knows if there are more in there. seems like a lot of fish.


Originally Posted by barnacleblenn
I count 7 fish total. if you look closely, you can see a tiny 6line wrasse under the clownfish near the magnet. you can also see his reflection on the left side of glass.
i see 7 from this view but who knows if there are more in there. seems like a lot of fish.

good eyes! totally missed that! haha
also there is a striped brittle under the rockwork


yea, looks like a damsel, not a tang. jeez, good eyesight on the six line


Active Member
Originally Posted by BabyB
uuuu what size is that, that panther grouper will get huge and ugly
When you get the chance, I would reccommend the removal of the grouper. He will consume your other fish as he grows, and he will grow fast....


Active Member
Originally Posted by goodwin9
When you get the chance, I would reccommend the removal of the grouper. He will consume your other fish as he grows, and he will grow fast....
Hey Goodwin, you have a grouper? You're one of the few with a tank big enough for one. I would love to see one full grown..


Active Member
Originally Posted by BabyB
uuuu what size is that, that panther grouper will get huge and ugly
his profile says he has a 24 and a 75. I assume that's the 24.
Big-Fish - funny name since that grouper will be a BIG fish :eek:)


Doesnt look like there is an eel as well.....Below the middle rocks on the sand....Not sure...if there is, it would be 8

Just leave the clown, wrasse and firefish, honestly the rest needs to go....


Active Member
Originally Posted by jhebi
Doesnt look like there is an eel as well.....Below the middle rocks on the sand....Not sure...if there is, it would be 8

Just leave the clown, wrasse and firefish, honestly the rest needs to go....
i think it is a serpent star.
hard to tell though
hahaha yeah, 6line was one of the first i recognized and was wondering why nobody mentioned it.
can't believe i didnt pick up on the star in the cave.


Active Member
Is that a carnation coral in the upper right?
I wouldn't say its a very cool tank, it has a lot of very cool stuff in it but the tank is way too small for that much cool stuff.