a very cool tank


it is a 35 gallon,, and it is a old pic,, he got rid of the grouper along time ago,,and the tang,, and the star cleans the sand for the tank


Active Member
Beyond the issue of overstocking....
I think that the placement of the corals in this tank are very well done. there is a nice assortment of 'life' overall in this reef.
The fishys will become a problem, but for now...let him bask in the light of an aquascaping well done!
Happy Reefing


Originally Posted by Shrimpi
Beyond the issue of overstocking....
I think that the placement of the corals in this tank are very well done. there is a nice assortment of 'life' overall in this reef.
The fishys will become a problem, but for now...let him bask in the light of an aquascaping well done!
Happy Reefing
Totally agree, very nice tank other than too many fish. The corals look great!


Active Member
Is that Blue Palm Coral in the top right? isn't a really tough coral to keep? I have to say that the tank looks fantastic from a visual point of view, but I would agree that it's kinda overstocked, I still can't find the six line, but noticed the brittle 1st, thought it was an eel...LOL