A very odd story....



A very good friend of mine works in realestate in Atlanta, he's a very cool guy. I just got off the phone with him and thought i'd share an interesting story with you guys. Anyway, they have a 150 gal tank in their lobby w/ coral and several clownfish and other livestock i believe, truely beautiful. They had a client in there who apparently was wearing quite a bit of cologne and perhaps hand lotion. This client thought it would be smart to put his hand in the tank for some unknown reason. 2 hours after he left, the fish were dead. I knew the ecosystems of the tanks were delicate, but I didnt know it was this delicate. Anyway, it was a sad loss yet very odd. Thought i'd see what the experts thought.


Active Member
Unless he dumped a bottle of cologne in there, it seems unlikely that just putting your hand in the tank would wipe it out, especially a 150g.
I have forgotten a few times after washing my hands with soap, etc., and put my hands in my 60g, and never even had a hiccup from anything in the tank.
Wiping out a 150g is not an easy task.


perhaps this guy could have been wearing self tanner? Dont those contain amounts of copper and or bronze? I dunno, it weirded me out

a&m aggie 04'

Active Member
copper wont kill fish, only inverts.
Ive always wondered if someone got really pissed off at a fish store, they'd come back sneak some copper in their reef tank. Maybe i just think evil :mad:



Originally posted by A&M Aggie 04'
copper wont kill fish, only inverts.
Ive always wondered if someone got really pissed off at a fish store, they'd come back sneak some copper in their reef tank. Maybe i just think evil :mad:

I've seen it happen. My friend use to work at distribution center for fish and inverts. The owner of the place fired a guy for some reason or another. One night the guy climbed to the roof and poured bleach in the tanks, killed everything. He did this twice and after the second time the owner installed cameras on the outside, on the telephone poles. The third time he was caught.
I don't believe it. He would have needed something much more toxic than cologne or lotion on his hands to blow a 150 in two hours.