A walk through our tank


Great Tank! I love the Green Clown Goby. I am looking for one right now and I was wondering what he eats. I have read that they eat all different types of frozen foods. Anything special you have found that works?


Active Member
nope nothing special i use a reef meaty frozen cube and also use cyclopeez.
he seems to rush around and grab all the smaller pieces he can find and then hops around from coral to coral.
he like to hang out in that colt. if hes not there you can find him in the frogspwn branchs.
not the most active fish and you dont even see him unless your looking for him but i still thinks hes great, colors have become much brights since we got him. I love looking in the tank and having this big rounded head pop out at me from behind a coral and then seeing this VERY tiny fish that it belongs to lol.
its like a head with fins

BTW thatnx for all the nice comments. i will be posting new pics soon. new corals and moving stuff around all the time. i dont think the tank will ever be "done"


Maybe you could show tyhe other side of the tank so we can see your methods for growing out some of the smaller stuff...


Active Member
very basic
small plastic cups.
bottoms are filled with small pieces of rock.
i throw in things like shrooms ,rics,tiny leathers, xenia, toadstools.
then place a piece of netting over the top. set it in the sand angled in a way that the flow wont be strong in the cup. in a few days pull out the cup and almost every time they will all be attached to one of the pieces of rock in the cup. then place or glue them where you want on the reef.
some notes to make are
use SMALL peices of rock so that the corals cant fall under or inbetween..
TRY to make sure the butts of the coral are down And not up on the cup sides.
a fun way to make great shroom rocks is to take a flat piece of rock that fills the bottom of the cup and throw in 5 or 6 different kinds of shroom and after they attach when they open it makes for a great looking piece. try to make sure the corors are all different and contrasting. that way to colors really POP out at you
thanks again for showing interest in our tank


:jumping: awesome tank, i am a beginner and that is one of the finest tanks that I have seen BRAVO


Active Member
no i get most of my stuff private dealer in stpete
as for the tampa reef club no i am not a member.