A way to fix this??


About 4 days ago I was passing a house that was throwing away a tank, so I couldn't pass it up so I went on and took it home with me. I measured it and it is a 40 gallon breeder tank. Well the tank has dividers that has been glued, not sioliconed or whatever it's called. Well Is there a possible way to get the glue off? thanks


Try nail polish remover or a citrus spray remover called "De-Solv-it". It really depends on what type of glue it is. You could also try Loctite glue remover.


Active Member
LOL, I have a 40gal breeder turned sump sitting in the garage. I guess I'll have to make sure it's still there when I get home.

Are the dividers/baffles glass do or acrylic/plastic?


Thanks, the glue is orange if it helps lol. I'm not sure I think it's glass. Besides it depends on where you live.hahaha