A whatizzit question


Active Member
This morning I looked in my tank and there was a white thing about 1/16th inch around and 3 inches long. It almost looked like a weedeater string, kinda whitish color When I pulled it out with an algae scraper it stuck and turned hard when exposed to the air. I haven't used any silicone near the tank. And naturally you don't think about a picture at 5:15 AM.
In this tank, I have 2 clowns, 1 neon damsel, 1engineer goby, 1 royal gramma, An arrow crab, 3 camelback shrimp, and a tiger tail cucumber.
I've never seen anything like this before and am really curious.
Any ideas???


Active Member
This morning it was there again, except this time it had a shape to it. My arrow crab had molted.