A whole lot of DIY


Let me start by saying I am highly depressed as I lost all my Fish due to some water quality and disease issues.
I tried my best to keep the tank functional and raising happy fish, but I may have cut corners and now that this happened I am going all out with a lot of DIY's and new equipment to help maintain life.
I lost to many of my beautiful fish and invertebrates that I promised not to cut corners or do it with I have and/or deemed most important.
So to start of I will be building a new tank stand and canopy since the stand I had is particle board (damn LFS got me), and I never had a canopy just glass tops.
I will also be making a 20g sump/fuge to hide a lot of the equipment, but most importantly for the fuge.
On top of that I want to make an auto top off using my RO/DI unit with some type of backup to prevent overflowing. I'm more into using a float valve since I don't need a pump to feed the water, I will just use my water pressure to pump it up.
The tank stand is going to be a little crazy because right behind my tank is my bathroom with the shower being directly behind the tank. So my plans are to create the stand in a box if you will where in case my tank spills or cracks the water will flow into this area and drain in my shower due to the 1" pipe that will go through my wall and into the shower from the stand. This I think will prevent any water from damaging the floor.
I need help with all that I am planning on doing and I have listed most of my equipment below to help plan and build this.
Tank: 90G
Skimmer: Aqua C Remora powered by Mag 3 (Sump will be made to compliment this skimmer)
Powerheads: 2 maxi-jets 1200 and 1 400gph powerhead (forgot brand)
UV Steralizer: Coralife
If you need any more info just ask.
I know I did not list my build plans yet as to say the truth I do not know them. I hope you guys can help me start from scratch and I will list pictures as we progress.
For now I would like to keep my tank FOWLR and am not thinking about lighting to much.
I also just bought a 600gph overflow which I am yet to receive.
if you can not help with the building of the project maybe you can help by informing me of any other equipment I may need to provide my fish with a happy home.


Some items recently purchased:
10oz GE Silicon 1
3 12" x 24" plexiglass
Acrylic Cutter
Portable GFCI
48" level
Paint Brush
L Brackets
Grounding Probe
1/2" Drill bit long
Measuring Tape (I always lose these)
Still need to buy:
2x4 Wood cut into size
1/2" Plywood
White Waterproof Paint
PVC Pipes
Egg Crate
Float Valve
Wood Trimmer
Let me know if I missed anything.


I think topoff straight out of an RO/DI is a bad idea. Use a reservoir. Overflows are not the only thing that can go wrong with an RO/DI emptying right into your tank. Things can break, or water companies can pour horrible things into your pipes, and you'll pretty much have no time to react.
Why the hang on back remora? Is that better than an insump urchin? I honestly dunno: I'm considering skimmers myself, so I'm not sure what to look for. A HOB for my sump would be neat since it would leave more space in my sump.


I Don't think I have the space for a reservoir, and I am not worried about this water quality since I live in NYC and we have one of the best tap water in the country.
I am worried about it overflowing if I do it that way, and I wanted to add about three forms of backup. How I would accomplish this I do not know.
If in the end the best solution is a reservoir than I would get a 10g tank with 2 electric switches using 1 as the backup.
Skimmer answer:
The only reason im using the HoB is because I already have it. I would think an in sump skimmer would be a little better, but not by much since the overflow is bringing all the water down to the remoras pump anyway.


Originally Posted by chuckcac
Good luck man, DIY all the way!!! i built this whole setup and i'm finally reaping the benefits. (only took me a year) but i saved hunderds of $ and didn't cut any corners either...
I have the Urchin and i love it....
I just saw your sump/fuge and Im loving that idea. Just one question why have the water come in directly into the sump and skimmer area instead oh having it move from the skimmer area through the sump and into the return?