

Active Member
That stinks... some people get their kicks from being mean.
I heard on the news a couple nights ago... in a near by city a guy was walking to his car. A car pulls up with two guys in it. One jumps out with a 2x4 and beats the crap out of this guy that was walking to his car breaking his arm and everything. Later the police catch the two guys and turns out they didn't even know the guy they beat the crap out of. Random act of violence for absolutely no reason.
I just don't understand...


last time someone stole the cd player out of my car which turns out it was somone staying the apartment complex across the street i ended up doing major damage to the guys, way the dumba$$ left the cd player in the back seat with the intallation kit and everything along with the door unlocked so i opened his hood and took his exhaust manifold off, and when he ran his car in the morning he took off i guess thinking maybe he only had a exhaust leak then his Valves heated up to fast and the car didn't even make it out of the neighborhood before the most of the valves broke, i was so unhappy... poetic justice...and i'm an



Staff member
Someone who I was close too and trusted stole my generator and hocked it. He is now facing felony charges.


Active Member
Insurance cover it?
This makes me glad my truck already has plenty of scratches on it. It may not be worth what a paint job would cost!! Hey, it just keeps working though.
Hope insurance comes through for ya. In the meantime, Bang, go to your happy place. . . .

bang guy

Originally Posted by Farmboy
Insurance cover it?

I can't afford the deductable even if it did cover it.
Oh well. At least it's just a plastic car (Saturn) and I can probably buff some of it out.
I find it ironic that this stuff doesn't happen to me where I live. It only happens wher ethe population is high and there's always people (witnesses) around. Nobody really cares about anybody else once you hit the city limits.


Active Member
I understand. I like where I live, too.
I had a break down once and 5 people stopped to ask if I needed help. All within 45 minutes or so. One lady drove out of her way to ask. THen, she turned around and went back the way she came.
There is no place like home. . . .


Active Member
i feel your pain some jack ass dented my new pathfinder with his door, people do it because it makes them happy to piss off other people


Active Member
some one stuck gum on the key slot on my door the other day, but i have the little clicker unlocker thing that unlocks my car, so i just got in my car, took a tissue, and it came right off. i just got my junior liscense too, and it was my first time driving too school. jealous fu*%ers :D


Last summer somebody slashed my tires. I was going through some major medical problems and any sleep that I could get was heaven. The kids down below my house had a party and the noise woke me up around 2 in the morning. I tried to go back to sleep but I couldn't. I finally called the police. Next morning I found my tires slashed. Gee, I wonder who did it!?


Active Member
Shame on you!
Parking in the city! Trying to sleep at 2:00AM! And you, oldsman, what were you thinking? YOu were just asking for someone to steal that cd player!! :rolleyes:
Kinda makes ya want to have your own little island. Think of the fish you could see . . .
Hey Bang for a few frags out of that Lagoon and clown and bangii cardinal babies we could get that deductible within a reasonable amount! :D I had some one key my car 2 hours after I pulled it out of the car lot at the grocery store!!!!!!!! :mad: I feel your pain!


I hate people who key cars. If I ever caught someone in the act, I might rip their head off. I am a car enthusiast also, and I hate people who do not respect other people's cars. Like the people who do not care if they open their door right into someones car.


Bang Guy...the finest grade sandpaper you can almost feels like regular paper...a drop of baby oil with 1/4 cup of should come right out with a little elbow grease.
...and death to all vendals!!!

bang guy

Happened at the Bank. It buffed out pretty good even though the scratch went pretty deep. That plastic body is pretty soft, impossible to dent though ;)


Active Member
Glad to hear you got the scratches buffed out. You are right with aking "what the heck is wrong with people?" Awhile back I had a one of a kind front license plate (made by my dad) for my truck and someone stole it!!!?? I guess the odds were with me, cause I seen my plate on a another truck weeks later

bet your ars I followed him and once he parked I took it off and put it back on my truck, where it belonged!


There is one thing I hate and that is people who mess with other peoples cars or property for that matter. I work to damn hard for what I have to have some azzzz screw it up. A few years ago on Christmas Eve someone cut all four tires on my car. Now knowing that the next day was Christmas and most places are closed and the fact I had a small child made this even worse. (I was not married at the time) I knew it was directed at me since no one else on the street had any vandilism. Just goes to show poeple have no remorse.
One more thing, yes I am in a venting mood tonight, there has been a whole lot of sarcasam on the boards lately.What is up with that? :mad: