I curently have a Emerald crab, hermits, snails, pepermint shrimp and a coral banded shrimp. I have read that some people have had an arrow and coral banded fight. Any success with these two and other inverts combined? My CBS was a bully at first, I think it is the food level for him that is a catalist for his aggression. (MY openion) I think the Aarow looks cool and helps control the overpopulation of bristle worms. Bonus. My CBS is supposed to do the same. How are your Aarows with other inverts and fish?
I was going to start another thread, but I decided to add the Sally Lightfoot the the table. All questions ditto for sally lightfoot.
I was going to start another thread, but I decided to add the Sally Lightfoot the the table. All questions ditto for sally lightfoot.