

I am a "newbie" at this.
Therefore, I try to float around and gather as much information as possible.
I have found a few things to be difficult though, such as the abbreviation "lingo".
So, I have compiled a list of abbreviations commonly used around here.
Some I know, others- no clue. I think that this might be helpful to many "newbies".
If anyone else has any to add, please do.
(LS)- Live sand
(LR)- Live rock
(FO)- Fish only
(FYI)- For your information
(OMG)- Oh my god/goodness
(LMB)- Lawnmower blenny
(DT)- Display tank
(QT)- Quarentine Tank
(MJ)- Maxi Jets
(MH)- Metal halides?(Splck)
(LFS)-Local fish store
(T-5)- ? Lighting?


Active Member
T5 is a type of lighting. Its not really an abbreviation.
IMO= in my opinion
SPS= small polyped stony coral
Not sure about the others