about a fish i was told about..


hello i was just wondering if there is a fish out there that has a dog face? my father told me that one of his friends at work has one and he pets it i was just wondering if any one knows the name of it and where to get it?
are theyu easy to take care of


Active Member
A dogface puffer?
Puffers are known to have loads of personality. They are, however, an aggressive fish (they'll eat your inverts) and they grow quite large...upwards of 12"
You may want to try asking about them in the aggressive forum.


there is a dog faced puffer.and it is kept in a saltwater tank.it is relitivly easy to takecare of.you can get them at a majority of pet stores that carry saltwater fish.


My dogface was never that friendly...
Whereas my Porky was. He would not mind me petting, holding (underwater of course! :D), etc.