? about adding LR to my tank-Need Advice!!


i have a 72 gal bow ,been up and running for 6 months. this was/is my 1st attempt with a saltwater tank so i went very basic, low level lighting, lace rock, fake corals. my fish include 6 hermits,2 true percs, six line, and a royal gramma
i now want to add LR and get into some anenomes. i plan on getting a 260 watt light(4x65) 2- 10000 reg & 2 acintic bulbs. my questions are, is
(1)my current filtrartion enough? i have an emperor 400 hang on filter, sea clone 150 protein skimmer and 1 separate powerhead.
(2) is lace rock the same as base rock? i was told at my lfs the lace rock will eventually get coralline on it if i add some LR
(3) will that lighting mentioned above be enough?


Active Member
If you add LR the tank will cycle. Remove all the inhabitants first until the cycle is over.
You're going to need more filtration and a couple more PH's. :D


i have a 29 gal qt so i plan on curing the LR there, what kind of additional filtration would you suggest i may need?


New Member
Are you going to keep corals?
I am asking this because some1 told me that those lights arnt good enough for my 55 gallon. So on your tank I dont think that light will be good enough either. But only if your gonna keep corals. I still dont have a light on my 55 gallon yet, because I dont know which 1 to get.


Active Member
Id suggest getting a better skimmer and metal halide lights.
A dual 175w retro fit should be good enough you could even go with a dual 250w.


Active Member
I agree with viet-tin,
Anemones need good water quality and a lot of light. PC lights and a seaclone on a 75 are not a good combination for an anemone but you could do medium light corals. You need to check your Nitrate level because they are more harmful to corals than fish.


I also agree viet-tin on the lighting. In my 75 I have 3 Maxi-Jet 1200's. 2 in the back and 1 in front but at the top of the tank blowing downward about a 45 degree angle. I also have a wet/dry that pumps about 1100gph. Thats some water movement there.