? about Amonia and Nitrates



Ok, on 4-09-06 I converted from a 29 gallon tank to a 56 gallon tank.
Because of the size increase, while I DID bring over old sand and water, I obviously had alot of new water and sand.
With that said, my tests on the initial transfer were not great but definately better than I expected for such new conditions.
Today the test are getting much better. Everything is EXACTLY where it needs to be, except for Amonia and Nitrates.
My amonia is staying at 0.25 (before the transfer every test was perfect, so I know this is due to the changes). It hasn't fluctuated, even with 5 gallon weekly water changes.
Obviously this is due to the new conditions. Im not too concerned since there has been no spike and the 0.25 is not lethal. However, I do have some Turbo Start 900 beneficial bacteria.. Should I add some to help cycle the new stuff?
Also, while my amonia is staying the same, Im a little concerned because my Nitrates are 20 (up from 10 previously). However I have 0 nitrites (dont trites convert to trates? So if I have no trites, where are the trates coming from?).


I am not an expert, but I have a 55 gallon tank and I do 15 gallon water changes weekly. I know that the 5 gallon water changes that you are doing now is not doing a lot for the tank. I would do at least a 15 gallon water change and that should bring down the amonia and Nitrates.


Originally Posted by drf0524
I am not an expert, but I have a 55 gallon tank and I do 15 gallon water changes weekly. I know that the 5 gallon water changes that you are doing now is not doing a lot for the tank. I would do at least a 15 gallon water change and that should bring down the amonia and Nitrates.

I probably will do that for now. However, even with a cycled tank are you having to replace 15 gallong PER WEEK in a 55 gallon? That's nearly a 30% change every week.
I guess it's not too bad but with a fully cycled tank, like my 29 gallon, I never had to change that much in a week.


Your nitrates probably came in with the stuff you transfered over. But it is strange your ammonia levels havent changed at all, unless for some wierd reason, your beneificial bacteria had a major die off. It would be a good idea to do both, a larger water change, then add your turbo start.
Are you sure your test kits are accurate?
When my 75 gal was new, I was changing 20 gallons a week-part paranoia on my part to make sure there was nice fresh water for the tank inhabitants. Now that the tank has matured, I only change 15 gallons every two weeks-unless something looks out of whack, then I do a water change to perk everyone up!