? about camelback shrimp


Active Member
i have on in my tank, seems to keep to himself.. doesnt bother anyone or my corals.. prob my more active shrimp in my tank

bang guy

1. No. They are definately not reef safe.
2. They will do best with 2 or more.
3. They are hermaphrodites and mate very easily. The resulting larvae are not easy to raise but they make excellent fish food.
I would pass on these if you have coral.


Active Member
hahah why is it everything im told is reef safe i find out its not grrrr i guess ill keep a eye out on him


i have one and it keeps to himself. very hidden when lights are on but very much a hunter at night. i've watched him when the lights are off and he never seems attracted to my corals. he mostly hunts down sucken frozen food not eaten by fish or other mates. i did have 3 of them. the other two were victims to my neon dottyback. i had to pull my dottyback after witnessing that...