about cycling the tank



my tank is about 3 weeks old now, the ammonia went up to about 2ppm, then i add bacta plus to the tank, and the nitrite went up to like 2ppm, nitrate doesn't go up yet. Ammonia didn't went down also. PH is 8.2, salinity is 1.023.
So my question is will my tank almost done cycling yet? and when will the green algae start growing in the tank?, right now there are just big brown spots all over the gravels and dead coral. I am not worry about those brown spots 8), just want to know when will the green algae grow.


Active Member
it's hard to say for sure, all tanks are different, but after your ammonia goes to zero, then your nitrites will too,
just have parience, it will happen, and teh hardest part of this hobby is the wait(but IMO well worth it)


Just hang on!! The wait and experience are worth it!! I started my tank 4 yrs. ago and still have the original damsiells I started with. Just Chill!! Mary
I'm not sure how to explain it but at first when you have a high ammonia reading it then reduces over time which gives you a high nitrite reading then once it's reduce gives you a high nitrate reading and once your nitrates reduce your water should be done cycling. That's a rough discription of the cycle someone could elaborate more on that.
It seem to me that you were almost there. If your not housing fish you shouldn't add anything to your water just let it cycle. Ignore it for a few weeks. Good luck!