? about DIY stand


When making your own stand, how can you be 100% sure that your stand is completely flat and level all the way across the top? If it's even off by a little bit, won't this create stress to that part of the tank?


I wouldn't be too worried about it. I'm currently building a stand for my 2 55 gallons and just make sure that the lumber you have is as straight as possible and you can double check you work with a level and shim if need, but I doubt it. Just make sure you cuts are nice and square and check for plum, level and flush as you are building it. Good luck.


Yea it will create a lil bit more stress but your tank should be strong enough to hold it ez....i bought a 155 bow front bout a year ago and when they loaded it inot my truck...they just yanked it by the smallest side and it held fine....scared the heck outta me but hey they were rite...strong stuff...just get a level and try your best...most likely ur house is gonna be a lil tilted too so take that into consideration..