About Horseshoe crabs


New Member
I want to use a Horseshoe crab to stir up my sand. I have only two threats a purcupine puffer and a Sargassum trigger. Good idea or bad? <img src="graemlins//evilwhorn.gif" border="0" alt="[Evil Horn]" />


Horseshoe crabs do not survive in a tank for any length of time. Cucs and sand sifting stars are a much better choice.


You have to be careful with Horse Shoes they will tumble your live rock sometimes so if your rock sits on the sand i would skip them for a cuc or star, if its sits on the glass and the sand is poured around it you should be ok --- Bill


A puffer will attack and eat this before it even gets into the sand. And a star fish is a definate no no with a puffer!!


hats not always true, i have a pork, dog and a cow with a brittle star and they act like he is not even there, never once has any of my puffs bothered my brittle star, im sure there are puffs that do but in the same there are puffs that wont. --- Bill


New Member
I'm not sure but I think horseshoe crab's get huge for a tank!!!
They are going to die anyway, get something that can live in the tank