about inverts...?


Ok, I still have a ways to go because I still don't even own a tank yet (saving the money though and getting stuff in less than a month for bday) but I'm putting in my research. My question is about invertibrates today.
Do they put more strain on a tank's bio-load, reduce it, or have no effect? I'm thinking about this for fish (29 gallon):
-2 percula clowns
-1 or 2 green banded gobies
-1 firefish or purple firefish
I'd also like to get a mandarin fish eventually but will wait a few months at least for that one (I want to be sure to have those benthic copepod things). Any comments on the fish are welcome as well.
I'd like to get a nice host of inverts to accompany the fish as well. I'm thinking of peppermint shrimp, some snails, an anenome, and some corals. I am willing to reduce the number of fish if needed but would like to keep it at what I am wanting. The toughest part of this hobby seems to be controlling yourself and not getting all 80 fish we want. :)
Also, do you add a few inverts first, fish first, or throw a few of both in at the same time? Thanks for the help, I'm sure I'll have my tanking cycling within a month.


I agree, inverts first. Fish and corals later.
I have a 29gallon tank with 1 false perc, 1 firefish and 1 purple firefish. I had a lawnmower blenny but he decided to feed all my inverts one day. Its a total mystery why he just died. But I never had to take him out because my shrimp, emerald crab, nassarius snails and urchin took care of it and left not a trace. My nitrates never spiked. :D
Also, do a search on adding pure ammonia to the tank to help the cycle. It seems to be working for people and it looks like it accelerates the cycle's completion considerably.
btw, welcome to the boards/hobby/addiction/poorhouse!


Active Member
Inverts do put a bioload on the tank, just very little.
I'd suggest not getting the mandarin, even after waiting a few months. a 29 gallon doesn't have enough room to grow enough pods for the mandarin to eat. A general guideline to have a mandarin would be 100+ lbs of LR in the tank, and setup for 6+ months.
Also, you should wait 4-6 months after the cycle to add an anemone to let the water stabalize. And you would need 195+ watts of PC lighting to have even just a low light anemone IMO.
What kinds of corals do you want? Some need more light than others.


I'm not entirely sure about corals right now, but I am thinking along the lines of orange spot colony polyps, green striped mushroom, and a montipora coral. I will probably change my coral ideas as I do more research and see more specimens.
Thanks for the info on the inverts. More questions, though:
Are there any shrimp/lobsters that are particularly harmful to corals or other inverts? Any other types of inverts I should consider?
And on the mandarin fish: is it really that necessary to have a big tank? One website that sells them says a 30 gallon is sufficient for them and that they can also eat vitamin enhanced brine shrimp. Thanks again!


Active Member
If you can find a mandarin that will eat supplemented enriched brine, or even mysid shrimp, then it's ok. But most mandarins only eat the live pods. You may have to search for a long time to find a suitable one for your tank.


Active Member
Hi, welcome to this fasinating hobby. From experience in regards to shrimp, do not get a Camelback Shrimp. He will clean your corals right out. I know from experience, I just got rid of mine for this reason.
If I were to get a shrimp now I would put nothing but a cleaner shrimp in mine. This is just my own opinion, I just love the looks of these shrimp alot. They are reef safe too...:yes:
Alot of people use Peppermint Shrimp, there again I have read confliciting reports that "some" of these guys can eat corals too but they are claimed to be reef safe. Personally I would not put one in my tank as they are from the same line of shrimp as the camelbacks "hinged beaked" they call them.
This is just my opinion and please do read what other recommend before making your decision.
Good Luck.....:cheer: