? about lighting and fish


im thinking about setting up my 30 again and i was wondering what would be good for a fish only tank? Also what would be good for lighting?
The fish that i was thinking were:Butterflies, angels or basicly anything with cool colors or good personalities.
Thanks aaron


Active Member
It's up to you. I would say get some nice lights and put them on a timer. Look into power compacts or if you want a double strip flourescent would work.
Do you plan on having Live Rock - I would suggest it.


Active Member
Research butterflies and angels, most require a bigger tank. You limit yourself with that size tank if those are the kinds of fish you wish to keep.


You can keep a small butterfly until it gets too big for your tank, then trade it in or something. Dwarf angels are nice, too, and more suitable for small tanks.
I love firefish and clown gobies. I think they have lots of personality and they're so brightly colored. :)


Active Member
I would advise against getting a fish that will ever outgrow your tank. Even moreso than what I thought, I find the most amusing thing about any of my fishtanks, be them marine or freshwater, is watching a fish I got from "youth" grow and develop into a full grown fish.
It's just no fun to train a puppy and housebreak it only to trade it away once it starts to behave and attach to your family.
Granted, we're dealing with fish and not puppies - but I would consider sticking with smaller fish.
I was in the same boat you were, I was thinking about starting an aggressive setup - but when I sat back and looked at it, it just wasn't a good idea. I bought a retrofit kit of 2 X 96W Power Compact lights and started a 30g reef. It's finally starting to look like a "reef" at almost 3 months and I love it. I have 2 percula clowns, a purple firefish, and a 6-line wrasse. All 4 have great personalities and are hardy fish.
My $.02


thanks for all the advice.. I dont think i want to do a reef but im not sure.. Would an juvenile emperor live ok for a little while? What is a reasonable tank size for an or butterfly tank?
Thanks Again, Aaron


Active Member
Well if you took care of ur fish instead of not feeding them for weeks and start caring for them u wouldn't need to worry.