? about Live Sand


In a fresh water aquarium, usually a good rule is 1 gallon of water = 1 pound of gravel. Of course there are some exceptions such as tall hexagon aquariums. Is there a similar rule that exists for live sand in a saltwater aquarium, or what would you guys recommend? Assume we are talking about a standard 20 gallon aquarium (24x12x16) just becuase I know the measurements. This is not the aquarium size I am considering, so please do not post a message saying you would recommend a larger/smaller aquarium. That's not what I want to know.
The picture is my smallest freshwater aquarium - 20 gallon, all live plants


Active Member
Most will recommend a 4" deep sand bed, using mostly live sand, and adding a lot of live rock to the tank. I don't know of the exact formula to calculate that, but go 4" deep.
Nice FW tank!


Active Member
most seem to push the dsb style beds 4-6"
someone on the board had posted a formula to fiqure out how many lbs u need ... ill try to find it...