? about manderins


I was wondering if you can house different types of manderin's together like a spotted and a green one?


You can. But, you'll have to have a huge food supply for them.
If the question is "Will they fight?" The answer is, more than likely they will not. Mandarins are not really fighters
If it's a decent size tank and you have a good supply of pods in the tank and a refugium, you should be okay.
To me, however, it's more hassle than it's worth.
We have a green spotted and my husband desperately wants a red or blue and I've been fighting him tooth and nail about it.


Well-Known Member
If this is going in the 200g tank you have listed in your profile, then you shouldn't have a problem...provided you don't have any other heavy copepod eaters in the tank. I'm assuming (??) you also have a fuge plumbed in under the tank somewhere. I have a 110g with a fuge in the sump and I have two healthy green mandarins in the system...male and female.