?? about my first fish


I'm getting my first fishes (2 false clowns) delivered tomorrow. My tank has been up and running since June. All parameters are right and the fish will be quaratined for the next 4 weeks.
The quaratine tank is a 20 gallon high, with filter which sat in the main tank for 3 weeks. One ph and 3 pieces of pvc for hiding.
I know the light has to stay off for a couple of hours and I know I have to do the drip method for a couple of hours prior to putting them in the tank. I suspect that the fish may not eat for the first couple of days so I'll watch for that.
Should I soak the food in garlic when trying to feed? The list of foods I've read to try are Formula One Flake Food, Frozen brine shrimp, Spirulina Algea and I've already purchase Cylopezee
Is there anything else I need to prepare for? I am really nervous and want to make sure this goes right or I might just give up. This hobby has become nerve wrecking as I'm trying to make sure nothing goes wrong
Any last minutes tips and suggestions are greatly appreciated.
WOW, sounds like you have the patience of a kindergarten teacher. I think you will be very successful in this hobby if you take that kind of care with everything.
Good Luck and keep us posted on what happens.