about my green long ten.


New Member
i have its base in the middle of a rock. it has a part that has a dip in it. so i put it in the middle of the rock. should i put the base of it on the sand or leave it on the rock. it looks great at night with my moonlight. but the tenacles curl back during the day. do u think it is dying or what should i do?


If the LTA is already on the rock for some reason I would leave it there. Else if its on the sand, its the more preferred location as it likes to dig its base in the sand. Dont move the LTA about too much, it will stress it. If its on the sand and just lies there, I would build a 2 inch rock wall around it. Again this is not necessary but if you find that it has trouble staying up straight and is being jostled by the current then it might not be a bad idea to surround it by small rocks. How deep is the gravel/sand?


Does teh LTA seem to have attached to the rock yet?