? About my purple firefish goby


New Member
I have had my purple firefish for about four months now, and at first he was shy.... Didn't come out a lot... But then he'd start coming out and swimming around the tank more. I'd see him almost every rime I walked by my tank. Well, about two weeks ago I did a major water change, tank cleaning, and rearranged my aquascaping... And ever since then he NEVER comes out from under the rocks.... I know he's still in there and alive because I catch glimpses of him hiding out under a rock. Can anybody explain why he might be doing this? I'm afraid he's gonna starve to death if he doesn't start coming out to eat at least. I would really appreciate some advise from someone who knows what they're talking about.... Thanx so much!!! 


Well-Known Member

You changed his world, you may have scared him enough so that it will just take time for him to emerge when he feels it is safe...or...you changed his world for the better and he loves the new arrangement and likes the rocks to live in. That is what happened with my dottyback.
The firefish will eventually come out, even if just to eat. On a fish you only see occasionally...it creates a joy when you see him...”THERE HE IS!” It is the way I feel about my serpent star fish. As long as he is healthy and eating, just leave him alone.


Active Member
I agree with flower. I did a rescape in my tank too and my firefish hid for a while...then eventually came out again. Although I have no idea how he found food, he was back to his old self and out in the open again