? about QT Tangs

i have a question i have had my yellow tang for about 6 months now and i was curious if tangs can have a outbreak to ick down the road? or is it soon after you put them into your display tank.???? Also what is the safest QT to run for any type of fish for example i have in mind 20 gal long , or 15 gallon or 29gallon... basically what is the smallest you can get away with??? I am going to be putting together a 55 gallon soon which will be tank #3 now... thanks for any information! lol


Originally Posted by Mach03InFront
i have a question i have had my yellow tang for about 6 months now and i was curious if tangs can have a outbreak to ick down the road? or is it soon after you put them into your display tank.???? Also what is the safest QT to run for any type of fish for example i have in mind 20 gal long , or 15 gallon or 29gallon... basically what is the smallest you can get away with??? I am going to be putting together a 55 gallon soon which will be tank #3 now... thanks for any information! lol

What size is your display tank and what other fish do you have?
i was just asking what is the smallest QT tank you can run???? i am NOT going to run a sump on the 55 gallon that i will be setting up around this month


yes they can, it can appear months down the road. When a fish gets stressed the immune system breaks down and allows the most ever present parasite to host. I have qt'd tangs in as small as a 20H, not recommended but can be done to check them out. 55 is much better though (only to qt not live in).

al mc

Active Member
Mach...The bigger the QT the better for tangs especially. Personally, I have QT'd/Hyposalined several tangs in a 20 gallon tank (one at a time).....IMHO a tang will be fine in 20 gallons for a 3-4 week period.


Staff member
Size of QT depends on the size of fish you plan to put into the QT. A single 2" tang can do fine in a 20gal long for a few weeks. However, a 5" tang can not.
Tangs, like any fish will get ich if they are exposed to it. They will not "just get ich" unless the parasite is present in the aquaria.


Originally Posted by Mach03InFront
i was just asking what is the smallest QT tank you can run???? i am NOT going to run a sump on the 55 gallon that i will be setting up around this month
Perhapse I read this wrong, but it sounds like he 55 will be a display tank, otherwise you should know that a sump is not needed nor recommended for a qt. I was asking the size of your display to get to what sized qt is best. Myreef and Beth addressed what I was getting at. You do not want to set up a 10 gallon qt if your other fish have not been quarantined and may need one in the future. If you have quarantened all other fish then a smaller qt would be fine for future purchases.