? about tank raised true Perculas


I have just recently bought and introduced a pair of tank born and raised perculas into my tank. I was just wondering if anyone knows whether or not they will still use an anenome as a host. if so should I have put the anenome in first or can I introduce it later.

kart racer

I dont have true percs but my tank raised false percs finally took to my anemone. I had the clowns and then got a BTA. It took about 2 months probably but finally the female started going in and out over the last week or so until she hangs out in there most of the time. The only thing I did was wait them out to see if they would host or not. I was considering taking the BTA out and trying a carpet but since they started to host in it I will leave it in there.


Active Member
Mine have ignored my anemone for over 2 years!! They never hosted in anything until the last few months. Now they live in my open brain coral!!! They wedge themselves in the folds at night and sleep there. Cute to watch. They even bit my hand when I was cleaning the tank and got too close to the brain!!
I'll try getting pics and posting them. The problem is that whenever I get close to the tank, they think it's feeding time and come out!!!


Thanks for the info, I guess all fish are different. Hopefully mine will take to the anenome when i prurchase it.


Active Member
True Percs are really pretty selective when it comes to selecting hosts, and the biggest problem with Tank-Bred/Raised True Percs is the they are even more selective. Your only real options as per true hosts are all going to be high on the light-demand list, so if you don't have an MH setup I would advise you don't looking into finding a host. However, if you do have a well-enough lit system, you can check the *sticky* post at the top of the column.


thanks for the info. I have been talking to my LFS tha sold me the aquarium and it seems that I am more than likely going to need to upgrade my lighting before I try to get any hosts. thanks for the help. When and if I get the percs to host I'll try to post some pics. thanks again.