?? about tank size fot a blue hippo tang.



what is the minimum size aquarium you would suggest to keep a Blue Hippo Tang in?? My little brother loves the movie Finding Nemo and i am going to buy him a 'nemo' fish and i'm sure he would love to have a 'dory' also. I have a 55 gallon aquarium so i am wondering if i would be able to keep that kind of fish in it.
thanx lots

sinner's girl

nope, no tangs in a 55gl, sorry, not big or long enough.


I think alot of people will say no....but the other day I seen one in a 10gal ( on here on the thread that every body was fussing with saltwater8 about clowns in a 10) not saying that is right but I think it would be fine if you got it small for a while in a 55...But I am no expert so I might be wrong....JMO..


I kinda agree that a small one would be ok if you plan on upgrading in the future. When in a small enviorment they tend to stress then tend to contract ick. I learned this the hard way but he did get over it and went into a bigger home.


New Member
Putting any tang in a 55 gallon tank is a bad idea. Sure you can stick one in there but how long will it be healthy and happy.


Active Member
dont even try it, they get big very fast and hes gunna get stressed out. imo, its not worth the trouble


I have a Blue hippo in my 55 ga tank and it has been fine for about a year now. It is about 3 inches and has not grown too much since I got him a year ago.
This fish does have a tendiency to attrack ich easily so be prepared to treat it. When I first got mine it developed ich and I had to treat it. It has been doing great ever since.
Most will say that a tang in a 55 gallon is a no-no, but I feel that if your water quality is good and you take good care of your tank you deserve to have the fish you want. Just be prepared to let it go if it gets too big. However after a year mine has not shown any signs that it is stressed and unhappy so I will keep it until it does.
Good luck!

sinner's girl

ut I feel that if your water quality is good and you take good care of your tank you deserve to have the fish you want.
It's not about the water quality being good, it's about having enough swimming and growing room for the fish.


Active Member
Originally Posted by daj0424
I have a Blue hippo in my 55 ga tank and it has been fine for about a year now. It is about 3 inches and has not grown too much since I got him a year ago.
Good luck!

Isn't stunted growth a sign of stress?


Active Member
Originally Posted by alyssia
Isn't stunted growth a sign of stress?
It certainly can be. And, I'd be stressed if I were forced to live in a closet....55 gallons for a Hippo Tang is just not nearly enough. If you really want this fish, you need to purchase at BARE minimum a 125 gallon, preferably larger.


Originally Posted by Emperor11
It certainly can be. And, I'd be stressed if I were forced to live in a closet....55 gallons for a Hippo Tang is just not nearly enough. If you really want this fish, you need to purchase at BARE minimum a 125 gallon, preferably larger.
I often wondered if we took the people who said it was OK to put fish in a smaller tank than they really should be in and put them in a closet for just 1 hour, if they would change their opinion... :thinking:
Before someone says that would be the same for all fish in any size tank that were taken from the ocean - no, that would be like making you stay in your house for a hour instead of the closet, much more livable...


Active Member
Originally Posted by Saltwater8
I often wondered if we took the people who said it was OK to put fish in a smaller tank than they really should be in and put them in a closet for just 1 hour, if they would change their opinion... :thinking:
Before someone says that would be the same for all fish in any size tank that were taken from the ocean - no, that would be like making you stay in your house for a hour instead of the closet, much more livable...
Its certainly an idea anyway....maybe we could get it through their thick skulls. :joy: LOL