About that mouse...


Active Member
Originally Posted by meowzer
Yeah it's amazing isn't it....In New York you saw more deer then here, but never in your backyard....BUT in Oklahoma you can hunt just about anywhere...scared me when I first came here....I wouldn't let the kids out in November...LOL...But when people caught on that we lived back here (in the woods) they respected that and stayed away, or at least a safe distance
Typically hunters and outdoorsmen are some of the biggest conservationist (ignore all the necked march to safe the fur ideas that you get when you hear conservationists) there are. Also some of the biggest gun safety people too.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Tizzo
Half of my backyard is part of a Reserve, so killing anything back there is illegal. This neighborhood pushed those critters back a little further into the woods, they are bound to come back here every now and again.
Truth be told, if I had any fears or heebie jeebies about them, I would not have moved here.
They are "interesting" to me. And most are critters I didn't see in NC. I've never even seen a hawk close up, let alone 3 feet from my back door!

I think you should charge admission and let the kids feed the animals.


It is indeed a red shouldered hawk.
The kids can't feed the animals cause they are always to full from our garbage can...