About to start a 20 gal Tank


What type of filtration woudl you guys recommend for a tank of this size. I was thinking about a HOB skimmer and HOB mechanical fitler. Besides that just some Live rock and Live Sand. Would that be ok or is there something else that you use for the smaller tanks?


That's how I started with my 29 gal reef, HOB skimmer, regular filter from a freshwater set up for mechanical and carbon filtration along with LR and LS.... worked GREAT, two years later still gowing strong.


Do you have a fuge? i know it helps stabilize larger systems. would it help at all with a smaller system.


I don't have one for my 29- it's nice to have but not needed. Even without it I have a bazillion pods and stuff everywehre. Make sure you have good lights-


lights arent a problem i have the Current USA Outer Orbit 24" 280W MH fixture. I believe its 1 x 150W MH and 2 x 65W Dual Actinic.
I was just asking about the fuge becasue a skimmer is about 100 to 150 and a small HOB fuge with a skimmer in it is like 200 - 250.
I wasn't going to do it since the tank is so small. But for my 75 gal reef i wouldnt do without it.


I have a 75 to! (FOWLR though) so I don't have a fuge for that either. It's not like the fuge wouldn't be nice on that smaller tank also but...IMO it's really not needed. I am very proud of my 29gal loaded with corals of all kinds, two clowns and one blenny- all of it is healthy as all heck w/out a fuge. I have one of those CPR back pack skimmers- I like it, some don't. I have never myself had a problem with it, I have to empty it about every other day or so depending on what I feed and what not... I can't remember what the single one is rated for in terms of gallon size but I can tell you it's more than enough for the 29.


on my 20 gallon i have an emperor 280 bio-wheel filter and no skimmer i just maintain water changes and filter changes. i bought a skimmer but i then realized i did not need one to my knowledge.


it is a pretty small tank but it still depends on what you want, granted, my 29 is slightly bigger but I have a fairly high bio load and I don't think that my stuff would do very well without the skimmer. If I had a 20 gal and wanted a reef tank with corals and a fish or two I would still have a skimmer- the fact that I have to empty mine every other or every third day or so makes me believe that I need it. but that's just me.


oh the skimmer wasnt the question. After having one on othe rtanks i wouldnt want to go without one. When you see all that crap that its removing like Cannonman said its obvious that there is a whole mess of stuff floating around in there that you probably dont want. I was looking to get the back pak as well. from waht ive seen teh little one is rated up to 60 gallons so that woudl be plenty for a 20 gal tank. I dont think ill go with a fuge ill probably jsut end up doing some more frequent water changes than i already do with my other tanks.