? about using someone else's pictures


Active Member
I've seen both sides of this here and I personally take crappy pictures unless I can get my wife to help out. What is the consensus about using a picture from a site or another individual if you actually bought your frag from them in a listing to sell frags of that frag? Not sure if that is clear... if I buy zoos from xyz website or abc user can I use their picture once my frag has grown enough to frag it? I'd like to make sure we are all on the same page with this.


Active Member
coral can change appearance with water chemistry and lighting change. So the pic of the frag may not be what the coral looks like grown out and your frags that you make maybe different.
If the parent colony never changes then I don’t see why it would be a problem.
Careful when you buy online. Some sellers are a little dirty when they sell using camera tricks and lighting tricks.


Active Member
i dont see a problem as long as you get permission from them to use it since it's their pic...but like mentioned with lighting changes, if they have went way different under your lighting you'd need to post your recent pictures of how the look...if the same i dont think itd matter as long as you have the permission to.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Bronco300
i dont see a problem as long as you get permission from them to use it since it's their pic...but like mentioned with lighting changes, if they have went way different under your lighting you'd need to post your recent pictures of how the look...if the same i dont think itd matter as long as you have the permission to.
oh yeah good call
permission is a must also. just to be safe
Id like to interupt quietly. In some cases i think its only fair to have pictures of actual frags. It prevents any disappointment when things arrive if youve already seen your purchase. Also you already know the placement of things and can plan for a perfect spot in your tank.
Basically i think things change a lot, and even though some people are very SW smart. Some are not and would benefit greatly from seeing what they are getting exactly. Just my .02
I have never been disappointed but have heard of some who have. not by what their frags look like. But by what they look like in comparison to the big bad picture posted.
happy buyers breeds business....Bronco300 can vouch for that i think ive almost paid his

this month.

By the way greenreefer all is here and doing great...THANKS!!
Why cant i say

...huh, whatever you get the point


I usually only use my own pictures. However, on one specific instance i used 05Xrunner's pic of a frag I sent him. He had a 7 thousand dollar camera, which obviously took a heck of a lot better pics than my ~$250 camera. He told me i could use his pics -- otherwise i wouldn't have.
I would be against it, but you see my situation...


Active Member
thanks all. That is a little better than what I was thinking the response would be. i thought everyone would say only use your own. Obviously if they no longer look like the originals then I would never do it, but I figured as long as what is in the fragger's tank looks like the pic that it wouldn't really matter as long as you got permission and you were 100% sure the frag was actually from the colony in the pic. I appreciate the feedback.


the best is what has been said but at the same time if its from another website than more than likely they will not want you to use their stock photos. especially on another store site.
if you do use someone else photo give credit aslong as its in line with the rules of the board.