I want to set up a tank primarily for zoanthids and ricordea. Would they do ok in a 30-50 gal. tank? How much water flow do they thrive in? I was thinking that they would do ok under power comcact lighting, is that true? What small, colorful fish would do well in a tank designed for these corals, that don't produce too much waste, and won't disturb anything? What other kinds of soft coral/polyps thrive under the same conditions as zoanthids and ricordea, that won't poison, inhibit their growth, or sting them? Are there any colorful starfish, that are hardy, colorful, and won't eat any of the other inhabitants. What kind of shrimp would do well? I used to have hermit crabs that killed my snails. What kinds of crans and snails should I get, that will get along? Anything else that I forgot, or you guys have learned that helps zoo's and ricordea, woud also be very much appreciated. Thanks in advance