Originally Posted by krj-1168
The trick to getting around the whole Homeowners insurance ... Don't tell them that you have sharks in the pool. If you tell them is a pool with fish - let 'em think it Koi, or even a marine fish pool - just don't say "Shark" they may get the wrong idea.
If do not tell the insurance company you are in violation of federal law for omitting Material information and if you have a claim your insurance company will file a law suit to exempt them from liability, do to your will full intent to omit material information.
Material information is defined by the federal law and the insurance code as ANY information that may change determination factors in the issuance and acceptance of an insurance contract.
EG. A woman in San Francisco had a Pit bull, and Mercury was her home insurance company. When she filled out the paper work she knowing did not tell the Insurance Company she had this dog. Mercury will not insure you if you have this dog. So she willfully misrepresented her self and was found guilty. When this dog killed her 6-year-old neighbor she was left with out insurance, and is now in jail.
Do not lie to the insurance company is my point; you will have wasted your money when they deny your claim. That can even go for a fire, or wind claim if you lie and they find out they can back out of the contract. If you have any Legal or Insurance question I can give you marginal advice.