abused fire shrimp?


My fire shrimp's tentacles or whatever you call them appear to all be broken off or possibly bitten off. Is this something I should be concerned with? I am afraid he is getting picked on by one of his tank mates. He is fairly shy so I do not see him every day but about a week ago I noticed that some of his tentacles looked broken. Since then I have been keeping an eye on them and they appear to be getting worse and definitely not growing back so I am afraid something is biting them off.
Recent additions to the tank:
powder blue tang
pair of false percs
purple fire goby
The powder blue is small about 2-3 inches and the false percs are 1.5 inches long at the most.
Everyone else:
fire goby
yellow watchman goby
coral beauty
yellow coris wrasse
serpent star
peppermint shrimp
cleaner shrimp
various snails
small hermit crabs- jade, blue, and scarlet legged
The recent additions to the tank were added before I noticed the abused shrimp so I am wondering if one of them is the culprit although I can not see a purple goby picking on him or the clowns that are like a 1/4 of his size. Not sure if the powder blue would do something I didn't think tangs were aggressive at all before getting him but to my surprise he does seem to be a bit of a bully to the foxface which is by far the biggest fish in the pond. Everyone else has been in the tank with the shrimp for several months and all seem very peaceful. Only other one I think might be to blame would be the yellow coris wrasse as he has grown quite a bit. He gets along well with everyone but I know some wrasse eat shellfish.
Thanks for any input


Originally Posted by Twobitt
My fire shrimp's tentacles or whatever you call them appear to all be broken off or possibly bitten off. Is this something I should be concerned with? I am afraid he is getting picked on by one of his tank mates. He is fairly shy so I do not see him every day but about a week ago I noticed that some of his tentacles looked broken. Since then I have been keeping an eye on them and they appear to be getting worse and definitely not growing back so I am afraid something is biting them off.
Recent additions to the tank:
powder blue tang
pair of false percs
purple fire goby
The powder blue is small about 2-3 inches and the false percs are 1.5 inches long at the most.
Everyone else:
fire goby
yellow watchman goby
coral beauty
yellow coris wrasse
serpent star
peppermint shrimp
cleaner shrimp
various snails
small hermit crabs- jade, blue, and scarlet legged
The recent additions to the tank were added before I noticed the abused shrimp so I am wondering if one of them is the culprit although I can not see a purple goby picking on him or the clowns that are like a 1/4 of his size. Not sure if the powder blue would do something I didn't think tangs were aggressive at all before getting him but to my surprise he does seem to be a bit of a bully to the foxface which is by far the biggest fish in the pond. Everyone else has been in the tank with the shrimp for several months and all seem very peaceful. Only other one I think might be to blame would be the yellow coris wrasse as he has grown quite a bit. He gets along well with everyone but I know some wrasse eat shellfish.
Thanks for any input

I'm no expert but based on your list I'd say it could be the peppermint shrimp as I was advised against putting any other shrimp other than a skunk cleaner in with a fire shrimp... Even still I've seen my skunk cleaner chase off the fire shrimp on more than one occasion so maybe it could be that shrimp too? Most fish will leave the fire shrimp and skunk cleaner alone as they're both cleaner shrimp, (though the fire shrimp isn't as enthusiastic about it as skunk cleaners), and they know they provide a beneficial service...


Interesting I had not thought of him being a problem. Would he pose a serious threat to the fire shrimp or would it be more of a nuisance? The fire shrimp is probably 3 times the size of the peppermint shrimp but as I said before the fire shrimp is very shy and the peppermint shrimp is much more aggressive. He has even bitten or pinched me on occasion.