Acan Issue????


Active Member
I have been noticing this retraction of the head in this guy in the evenings of late..... Mouths open but no tentacle extension. Well after lights out he still extends well for feeding.... Maybe I just had not been seeing it before and I am thinking that issue that may not really a problem....
I got this guy when he was only a few small heads and he finally is starting to look a bit bigger and better. But I just do not remember in the past seeing the head retraction from the body...................Is that normal.......... Sorry poor shots he is way in the back of the tank
Oh and by the way, I with nearly zero short term memory ( the wife says none at all) I can not remember his true name....... other than he looks like an Acan of some type to me..........What is he????????????



Thats an acan lordhowensis. Its normal for them to do that once in awhile. I wouldn't worry too much. Nice coloration, BTW. :)